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Elia Palange

Nome: Elia
Cognome: Palange
Qualifica: Professore associato
Settore Scientifico Disciplinare: FIS/01 (Fisica Sperimentale)
Struttura di afferenza: Dipartimento di Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione e di economia
Email: elia.palangeunivaq.it
Telefono Ufficio: 0862 434455
Altro telefono: 0862 434424
Fax Ufficio: 0862 434403

Insegnamenti tenuti - a.a.

Curriculum scientifico

(Aggiornato il 21-05-2020)

Link versione stampabile (pdf)

Elia Palange, si laurea con lode in fisica nel 1976 presso l’Università di Roma "La Sapienza". Attualmente è Professore Associato di Fisica e Nanofotonica presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell'Università dell'Aquila. Egli è stato visiting scientist presso il Laboratoire d’Optique Quantique a Palaiseau - Francia (1981-1983), presso il centro di ricerche della IBM "T.J. Watson Research Centre" a Yorktown Heights (NY) – USA (1987-1988) e professore visitante presso il Departamento de Eletrònica Quàntica dell'Istituto di Fisica della Università Statale di Campinas – Brasile (1984, 1994-1995). Durante la sua attività scientifica egli si è dedicato a ricerche nel campo della fisica dei laser, dell'ottica e della spettroscopia non lineare, delle proprietà ottiche di eterostrutture di semiconduttori di dimensioni nanometriche e composti di meta-materiali organici ed inorganici. Attualmente è Responsabile del Laboratorio di Ottica e Fotonica del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell'Informazione dell'Università dell'Aquila. Il Laboratorio è impegnato nello sviluppare attività di ricerca sullo sviluppo di dispositivi fotonici innovativi e multi-funzionali basati sull'utilizzo di sistemi di metamateriali lineari e non lineari nella situazione di regime estremo per la permittività dielettrica, sulla elettro-attivazione di solitoni spaziali in cristalli foto-rifrattivi, sull'uso di nanofili di Ge e Si per la fabricazione di nanodispositivi elettronici ed opto-elettronicie e sulla sintesi e caratterizzazione delle proprietà fisiche e strutturali di nanoparticelle di leghe di FePt con elevate proprietà magnetiche. Egli è co-autore di oltre 100 articoli scientifici su riviste internazionali con Referee, di 4 brevetti europei e di uno negli Stati Uniti.

Elia Palange, graduated cum laude in Physics in 1976 at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome – Italy, is currently Associated Professor of Physics and Nanophotonics at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of L’Aquila. He was visiting scientist at the Laboratoire d’Optique Quantique - Palaiseau - France (1981-1983), at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Centre - Yorktown Heights (NY) – USA (1987-1989) and visiting professor at the Departamento de Eletrònica Quàntica of the Instituto de Fisica of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas – Brazil (1984-1985, 1992-1994). During his scientific activities he carried out research on laser physics, nonlinear optics and spectroscopy and optical properties of nanometer sized semiconductor heterostructures and organic/inorganic metamaterial compounds. He is currently the Supervisor of the Optics and Photonics Laboratory of the Electrical and Information Engineering Department. The Laboratory is developing research activities on novel photonics multifunctional devices based on linear and nonlinear extreme metamaterials, electro-activation of spatial solitons in photorefractive crystals, the use of Si and Ge nanowires for the fabrication of electronic and optoelectronic nanodevices and the synthesis and characterization of the physical and structural properties of highly magnetic FePt nanoparticles. He is co-author of 1more than 100 scientific papers on international journals, 4 European patents and 1 USA patent.



Prof. ELIA PALANGE        

1. Michele Gabrio Antonelli, Pierluigi Beomonte Zobel, Andrea De Marcellis, Elia Palange

“Autonomous robot for cleaning photovoltaic panels in desert”

Mechatronics, 68 102372 (2020)

2. A. De Marcellis, G. Di Patrizio Stanchieri, M. Faccio, E. Palange, T. Constandinou

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, (2020) DOI: 10.1109/TBCAS.2020.2972733

3. C. Rizza, M. Fantasia, E. Palange, M. Alecci, A. Galante

 “Harnessing Surface Plasmons for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Applications”

Physical Review Applied, 12, 044023 (2019).

4. A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, G. Di Patrizio Stanchieri, M. Faccio

“Portable Lock-In Amplifier-Based Optoelectronic Readout Circuit for High-Sensitivity Differential Measurements of Laser Pulse Energy Variations”

J- of Low Power Electronics, Volume 15, 87-94 (2019)

5. G. Di Patrizio Stanchieri, A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, M. Faccio

“A true random number generator architecture based on a reduced number of FPGA primitives”

Inter.Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ), 105, 15-23 (2019)

6. V. Di Meo, A. Caporale, A. Crescitellia, M. Janne, E. Palange, A. De Marcellis, M. Portaccio, M. Lepore, I. Rendina, M. Ruvo, E. Esposito

“Metasurface based on cross-shaped plasmonic nanoantennas as chemical sensor for surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy”

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, (2019) doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2019.02.014

7. A. De Marcellis, S. Leone, E. Palange

“High-Sensitivity Differential Interface for the Detection of Energy Variations of Nanosecond Laser Pulses for Spectroscopic Applications”

IEEE Sensors Journal, 18, 8410 – 8415 (2018)

8. C. Rizza, X. Li, A. Di Falco, E. Palange, A. Marini, A. Ciattoni

“Enhanced asymmetric transmission in hyperbolic epsilon-near-zero slabs”

Journal of Optics, 20, 085001 (6pp) (2018)

9. M. Janneh, A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, A. T. Tenggara, D. Byun

“Design of a metasurface-based dual-band Terahertz perfect absorber with very high Q-factors for sensing applications “

Optics Communications, 416, 152-159 (2018)

10. A. De Marcellis, E Palange

“Differential measurements of light power variations through Si photodiodes in a bridge configuration for high-sensitivity chemical/biological optical sensing”

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 246, 305-309 (2017) 

11. A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, M. Janneh, C. Rizza, A. Ciattoni, S. Mengali, ”Design optimisation of plasmonic metasurfaces for mid-infrared high-sensitivity chemical sensing”, Plasmonics, 12, 293-298 (2017)

12. A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, L. Nubile, M. Faccio, G. Di Patrizio Stanchieri, T. G. Constandinou, “A Pulsed Coding Technique Based on Optical UWB Modulation for High Data Rate Low Power Wireless implantable Biotelemetry”, Electronics 5, 69 (2016), doi:10.3390/electronics5040069

13. F. Ferranti, A. De Marcellis, M, Janneh, E. Palange, G. Antonini, “A metamodelling technique for the efficient design optimization of metasurfaces”, Electronics Letters, 52,1191-1192 (2016), DOI: 10.1049/el.2016.1262

14. L. Giancaterini, S. M. Emamjomeh, A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, A. Resmini, U. Anselmi-Tamburini, and C. Cantalini, “The influence of thermal and visible light activation modes on the NO2 response of WO3 nanofibers prepared by electrospinning”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 229, 387-395 (2016)

15. A. De Marcellis, M. Janneh, and E. Palange, “High-Sensitivity High-Resolution Optical Phase Shift Detection Technique Using a Si Photodiode Operating in Photovoltaic Mode”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 15, 6898-6903 (2015), DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2015.2463675

16. C. Rizza, A. Ciattoni, F. de Paulis, E. Palange, A. Orlandi, L. Columbo, and F. Prati, “Reconfigurable photoinduced metamaterials in the microwave regime", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48, 135103 (2015), DOI 10.1088/0022-3727/48/13/135103

17. A. De Marcellis, M. Janneh, and E. Palange, “Very high sensitivity tuneable phase detection of light power variations by using electrical modulation of a Si-photodiode in photovoltaic regime”, Electronics Letters, 51, 282-284 (2015), DOI: 10.1049/el.2014.3763

18. Andrea De Marcellis, Giuseppe Ferri and Elia Palange, “A Fully Analog High Performances Automatic System for Phase Measurement of Electrical and Optical Signals”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 64, 1043-1054 (2015), DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2014.2360788

19. Alessandro Ciattoni, Carlo Rizza, and Elia Palange, “Electromagnetic chirality induced by graphene inclusions in multi-layered metamaterials”, Photonics Research 2, 121-125 (2014)

20. A. De Marcellis, G. Ferri, and E. Palange, “Electrical self-modulation of optical sensors for light power measurement in chemical applications by phase detection technique”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 193, 378-383 (2014)

21. A. De Marcellis, G. Ferri, and E. Palange, “High sensitivity, high resolution, uncalibrated phase read-out circuit for optoelectronic detection of chemical substances”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 179, 328-335 (2013)

22. A. Ciattoni, R. Marinelli, C. Rizza, and E. Palange, “????? - Near-zero materials in the near-infrared”, Applied Physics B, Laser and Optics,110, 23-26 (2013)

23. C. Rizza, A. Ciattoni, and E. Palange, “Two-peaked and flat-top perfect bright solitons in nonlinear metamaterials with epsilon near zero”, Phys. Rev. A, 83, 053805-053813 (2011).

24. R. Marinelli, E. Palange, “Optical Performances of Lensless Sub-2micron Pixel for Application in Image Sensors”, Progress In Electromagnetic Research B, 31, 1-14 (2011)

25. R. Marinelli, E. Palange, M. Faccio, S. Guerrieri, A. Del Monte, G. De Amicis, and A. D’Anna, “A Method for the Determination of the Thermally Induced Optical and Structural Changes of Polymers Used to Fabricate Lightpipes Integrated in CMOS Image Sensor Arrays”, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 167, 385-388 (2011)

26. C. Rizza, A. Ciattoni, and E. Palange, “Optical hollow-core waves in nonlinear Epsilon-Near-Zero metamaterials”, Optics Communications, 284, 2573-2575, (2011)

27. A. Ciattoni, C. Rizza, and E. Palange, “All-optical active plasmonic devices with memory and power switching functionalities based on epsilon  near-zero nonlinear metamaterials”, Phys. Rev. A 83, 043813-1 043813-8 (2011)

28. A. De Marcellis, G. Ferri, and E. Palange, “A Novel Analog Autocalibrating Phase-Voltage Converter for Signal Phase Shifting Detection”, IEEE Sensor Journal, 11, 259-266 (2011)

29. A. Ciattoni, C. Rizza, and E. Palange, “Multistability at arbitrary low optical intensities in a metal-dielectric layered structure”, Optics Express, 19, 283-288 (2011)

30. O. Limaj, A. Nucara, S. Lupi, M. Ortolani, A. Di Gaspare, E. Palange, and P. Carelli, “Scaling the spectral response of metamaterial dipolar filters in the terahertz”, Optics Communications, 284,1690 (2011)

31. A. Ciattoni, C. Rizza, and E. Palange, “Transmissivity directional hysteresis of a nonlinear metamaterial slab with very small linear permittivity”, Optics Letters, 35, 2130-2132 (2010)

32. A. Capobianchi, S. Laureti, D. Fiorani, S. Foglia and E. Palange, “Direct Synthesis of L10 FePt nanoparticles within Carbon Nanotubes by Wet Chemical Procedure”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43, 474013-474017 (2010)

33. A. Ciattoni, C. Rizza, and E. Palange, “Extreme nonlinear electrodynamics in metamaterials with very small linear dielectric permittivity”, Phys. Rev. A, 81, 043839 (2010)

34. A. Ciattoni, C. Rizza, and E. Palange, “Transverse power flow reversing in extreme nonlinear metamaterials”, Optics Express, 18, 11911-11916 (2010)

35. C. Rizza, A. Ciattoni, and E. Palange, “Highly non-paraxial (1+1)D subwavelength optical fields”, Optics Express, 18, 7617-7624 (2010)

36. A. Pierangelo, A. Ciattoni, E. Palange, A. J. Agranat, and E. Del Re, “Electro-activation and electro-morphing of photorefractive funnel waveguides”, Optics Express, 17, 22659 (2009)

37. A. Capobianchi, M. Colapietro, D. Fiorani, S. Foglia, P. Imperatori, S. Laureti, and E. Palange, “General Strategy for Direct Synthesis of L1 Nanoparticle Alloys from Layered Precursor: The Case of FePt”, Chemistry of Materials 21, 2007-2011 (2009)

38. A. Capobianchi, S. Foglia , E. Palange, L. Arrizza, C. Veroli, M. Vasquez Mansilla, and D. Fiorani, “L10 FePt-filled Carbon Nanotubes by Wet Chemical Synthesis”, Diffusion and Defect Data Part B (Solid State Phenomena), 151, 166-170 (2009)

39. M. Donno, E. Palange, F. Di Nicola, G. Bucci, F. Ciancetta,, “A New Flexible Optical Fiber Goniometer for Dynamic Angular Measurements: Application to Human Joint Movement Monitoring”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement 57, 1614-1620 (2008)

40. A. D’Ercole, A. Pierangelo, E. Palange, E. Del Re, A. Ciattoni, A.J. Agranat, “Photorefractive solitons of arbitrary and controllable linear polarization determined by the local bias field”, Optics Express 16, pp.1200212007 (2008)

41. A. Pierangelo, E. Del Re, A. Ciattoni, E. Palange, A. J. Agranat, and B. Crosignani, “Linear writing of waveguides in bulk photorefractive crystals through a two step polarization sequence”, J. of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 10, 064005-064009 (2008)

42. A. Pierangelo, E. Del Re, A. Ciattoni, G. Biagi, E. Palange, and A. J. Agranat, “Separating polarization components through the electro-optic read-out of photorefractive solitons”, Optics Express 15, 14283-14288 (2007)

43. A. Ciattoni, C. Rizza, E. Del Re, and E. Palange, “Counterpropagating nondiffracting beams through reflection gratings”, Optics Express, 15, 14163-14170 (2007)

44. A. Capobianchi, S. Foglia, P. Imperatori, A. Notargiacomo, M. Giammatteo, T. Del Buono, and E. Palange, ”Controlled filling and external cleaning of multi-wall carbon nanotubes using a wet chemical method”, Carbon, 45, 2205-2208 (2007)

45. E. Del Re, A. Pierangelo, E. Palange, A. Ciattoni, and A.J. Agranat, “Beam shaping and effective guiding in the bulk of photorefractive crystals through linear beam dynamics”, Appl. Phys. Letters 91, 081105-081108 (2007)

46. C. Rizza, A. Ciattoni, E. Del Re, E. Palange, “Counterpropagating Reflection Dark Solitons in Kerr media”, Phys. Rev. A 75, 063824-1-063824-7 (2007)

47. A. Ciattoni, C. Rizza, E. Del Re, and E. Palange, “Counterpropagating Spatial Solitons in Reflection Gratings with a Longitudinally Modulated Kerr Nonlinearity”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 043901-043905 (2007)

48. C. Rizza, A. Ciattoni, E. Del Re, and E. Palange, “Transverse and soliton instabilities due to counterpropagation through a reflection grating in Kerr media”, Opt. Letters 31, 2900-2903 (2006)

49. A. Pierangelo, E. Del Re, E. Palange, A. Ciattoni, Y. Garcia, A. J. Agranat, “Pinning-induced round solitons with symmetric nonlinear response for electroactivated optical circuitry”, Appl. Phys. Letters 89 121123-121126 (2006)

50. A. Ciattoni, C. Rizza, E. Del Re, and E. Palange, “Photorefractive solitons embedded in gratings in centrosymmetric crystals”, Opt. Letters 31, 1690-1693 (2006)

51. E. Del Re, and E. Palange, “Optical nonlinearity and existence conditions for quasi-steady-state photorefractive solitons”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 23, 2323-2327 (2006)

52. A. Ciattoni, C. Rizza, E. Del Re, and E. Palange, “Counterpropagating Spatial Kerr soliton in reflection gratings”, Opt. Letters, 31, 1507-1510 (2006)

53. E. Del Re, A. Ciattoni, and E. Palange, “Role of charge saturation in photorefractive dynamics of micron-sized beams and departure from soliton behaviour”, Phys. Rev. E 73, 017601-017609 (2006)

54. E. Del Re, A. D’Ercole, E. Palange, and A. J. Agranat, “Observation of soliton ridge states for the self-imprinting of fiber-slab couplers”, Appl. Phys. Letters 86, 191110-191112 (2005)

55. E. Del Re, A. D’Ercole and E. Palange, “Mechanisms supporting long propagation regimes of photorefractive solitons”, Phys. Rev. E 71, 036619-036625 (2005)

56. E. Del Re, A. De Masi, A. Ciattoni, and E. Palange, “Pairing space-charge field conditions with self-guiding for the attainment of circular symmetry in photorefractive solitons”, Appl. Phys. Letters 85, 5499-5501 (2004)

57. A. D’Ercole, E. Palange, E. Del Re, A. Ciattoni, B. Crosignani, and A. J. Agranat, “Miniaturization and embedding of soliton-based electro-optically addressable photonic arrays”, Appl. Phys. Letters 85, 2679-2681 (2004)

58. E. DelRe, E. Palange, and A. J. Agranat, “Fiber-launched ultratight photorefractive solitons integrating fast soliton-based beam manipulation circuitry”, J. of Appl. Phys. 95, 3822-3825 (2004)

59. C. Dari-Salisburgo, E. DelRe, and E. Palange, “Molding and Stretched Evolution of Optical Solitons in Cumulative Nonlinearities”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 263903-263907 (2003)

60. E. Giovine, A. Notargiacomo, L. Di Gaspare, F. Evangelisti, E. Palange, R. Leoni, G. Castellano, G. Torrioli, and V. Foglietti,, "Field-induced tunnelling in SiGe wires", Materials Science & Engineering  C 23, 37 (2003)

61. E. Palange, L. Di Gaspare, and F. Evangelisti, “Real-time spectroscopic ellipsometric analysis of Ge film growth on Si(001) substrates”, Thin Solid Films. 428, 160-164 (2003)

62. E. Del Re, B. Crosignani, P. Di Porto, E. Palange, and A. J. Agranat, “Electro-optic beam manipulation through photorefractive needles”, Opt. Letters 27, 2188-2191 (2002)

63. E. Palange, L. Di Gaspare, A. Notargiacomo, G. Capellini, and F. Evangelisti, “Photoluminescence of strained and relaxed multilayered Ge islands on Si(001)”, Appl. Phys. Letters 81, 1186 (2002)

64. L. Di Gaspare, E. Palange, A. Notargiacomo, F. Evangelisti, S. Pascarelli, and J. Susini, “X-ray scanning microscope studies of strain instabilities in low mismatched SiGe alloys grown on Si(001) substrates”, Solid State Commun. 122 7-8: 359, (2002)

65. M. Falconieri, E. Palange, and H. L. Fragnito, “Achievement of ?/4000 phase distortion sensitivity in the measurement of optical nonlinearities by using a modulated Z-scan technique”, Jour. of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 4, 404 (2002)

66. L. Di Gaspare, G. Scappucci, E. Palange, K. Alfaramawi, F. Evangelisti, G. Barucca and G.Majni, "Electrical properties of high-mobility two-dimensional electron gases in Si/SiGe modulation-doped heterostructures grown on silicon-on-insulator substrates", Materials Science & Engineering B89, 346 (2002)

67. L. Di Gaspare, K. Alfaramawi, F. Evangelisti, E. Palange, G. Barucca, and G. Majni, "Si/SiGe modulation-doped heterostructures grown on Silicon-On-Insulator substrates for high- mobility two-dimensional electron gases", Appl. Phys. Letters 79, 2031 (2001)

68. E. Giovine, A. Notargiacomo, L. Di Gaspare, E. Palange, F. Evangelisti, R. Leoni, G. Castellano, G. Torrioli and V. Foglietti, "Investigation of SiGe-heterostructure nanowires", Nanotechnology 12, 132-135 (2001)

69. L. Di Gaspare, P. Fiorini, G. Scappucci, F. Evangelisti, and E. Palange, "Defects in SiGe virtual substrate for high mobility electron gas", Materials Science & Engineering B 80, 36 (2001)

70. L. Di Gaspare, E Palange, G. Capellini, and F. Evangelisti, "Strain Relaxation by Pit Formation in Epitaxial SiGe Alloy Films Grown on Si(001)", J. of Appl. Phys. 88,120 (2000)

71. G. Capellini, L. Di Gaspare, F. Evangelisti, E. Palange, A. Notargiacomo, C. Spinella, and S. Lombardo, "Influence of dislocations on vertical ordering of Ge islands in Si/Ge multilayers grown by low pressure chemical vapour deposition", Semiconductor Sci. Technol. 14 , L21 (1999)

72. L. Colace, G. Masini, F. Galluzzi, G. Assanto, G. Capellini, L. Di Gaspare, E. Palange, and F. Evangelisti, "Metal-Ge-Si heterostructures for near infrared light detection", Journal Vac. Sci. Technol. B17, 465 (1999)

73. L. Colace, G. Masini, F. Galluzzi, G. Assanto, G. Capellini, L. Di Gaspare, E. Palange, and F. Evangelisti, "Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Near-Infrared Light Detector Based on Epitaxial Ge/Si", Appl. Phys. Letters 72, 3175 (1998)

74. E. Palange, L. Ragni, L. Di Gaspare, G. Capellini, and F. Evangelisti, "Spectroscopic Ellipsometric Study of the Size Evolution of Ge Islands Grown on Si(100)", J. of Appl. Phys. 83, 5840 (1998)

75. L. Colace, G. Masini, F. Galluzzi, G. Assanto, G. Capellini, L. Di Gaspare, E. Palange, and F. Evangelisti, "Near Infrared Light Detectors Based on UHV-CVD Epitaxial Germanium on Silicon" Proc. Material Research Society 486, 193 (1998)

76. G. Capellini, L. Di Gaspare, F. Evangelisti, and E. Palange, "Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Self-Organized Ge Islands Grown on Si(100) by Low Pressure Chemical Vapour Deposition", Appl. Phys. Letters 70, 493 (1997)

77. A. S. Duarte, H. L. Fragnito, and E. Palange, "Third Order Nonlinear Optical Response of Semiconductor-Doped Glasses under Different Pumping Conditions", Solid State Communications 100, 463 (1996)

78. C. Mazzali, H.L Fragnito, E. Palange, and D.C. Dini, "A Fast Method for Obtaining Erbium-Doped Fibres Intrinsic Parameters", Electronics Letters 32, 921 (1996)

79. E. Palange, G. Capellini, L. Di Gaspare, and F. Evangelisti, "Atomic Force Microscopy and Photoluminescence Study of Ge Layers and Self-Organized Ge Quantum Dots on Si (100)", Appl. Phys. Letters 68, 2982 (1996)

80. V.C.R. Solano, L. C. Barbosa, H. L. Fragnito, A. S. Duarte, E. Palange, C. L. Cesar, C. H. B. Cruz, O. L. Alves, "CdTe quantum dots borosilicate doped glass for optical devices", Proceedings of Topical Symposium VII on Advanced Materials in Optics, Electro-Optics and Communication Technologies of the 8th CIMTEC-World Ceramics Congress and Forum on New Materials, pages 173-181 (1994)

81. S. A. Planas, A. S. Duarte, C. Mazzali, E. Palange, H. L. Fragnito, V. L. Cardoso, M. P.R. Sanches, M. F. Villani, e A. E. Reggiani, "Nonlinear refractive index of dye-doped organic polimers", Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials”, Proc. SPIE 2025, 381 (1993)

82. H. L. Fragnito, J. M. M. Rios, A. S. Duarte, E. Palange, J. A. Medeiros Neto, C. L. Cesar, L. C. Barbosa, O. L. Alves, and C. H. Brito Cruz, "Nonlinear Optical Properties and Femtosecond Dynamics of CdTe Quantum Dots", J.Phys. C: Condensed Matter 5 A179 (1993)

83. T. F. Heinz, F. J. Himpsel, M. M. T. Loy, E. Palange, E. Burstein, “Laser Studies of Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces by Three-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy”, Optics of Condensed Matter, Volume 2 p. 59, The Physics of Optical Phenomena and Their Use as Probes of Matter, Editors: Elsa Garmire, Alexei A. Maradudin, Karl K. Rebane, Springer Verlag ISBN: 978-1-4613-6658-4 (Print) 978-1-4615-3726-7 (Online) (1991)

84. E. Palange, and G. Salvetti, "An Experimental Investigation of Frequency Selection and Control in Laser with Four-mirror Cavities", Optics Comm. 85, 419 (1991)

85. E. Palange, and G. Salvetti, "Control of Intrapulse Frequency Chirping in Long-Pulse CO2 Lasers Employing Perturbation-Insensitive Optical Cavities", Appl. Optics 30, 3832 (1991)

86. E. Palange, and G. Salvetti, "Longitudinal Mode Selectivity and Perturbation sensitivity of Multimirror Laser Cavities", Appl. Optics 30, 3821 (1991)

87. E. Palange, and G. Salvetti, "Reflective High-finesse Interferometers as Effective Intrapulse Laser Frequency Stabilizers ", Opt. Letters 15, 676 (1990)

88. T. F. Heinz, F. J. Himpsel, E. Palange and E. Burstein, "Electronic Transistions at the CaF2/Si(111) Interface Probed by Resonant Three-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy", Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 644 (1989)

89. F. J. Himpsel, T. F. Heinz, A. B. McLean and E. Palange, "Bonding at Insulator/Insulator Interfaces", Appl. Surf. Sci. 41/42, 346 (1989)

90. F. J. Himpsel, T. F. Heinz, A. B. McLean, E. Palange and E. Burstein, "Two Dimensional Energy Bands at the CaF2/Si(111) Interface", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 7, 879 (1989)

91. T. F. Heinz, E. Palange, G. S. Cargill III and A. Erbil, "Optical Second-Harmonic Generation by As Impurities in Crystalline Si", Bull. of Am. Phys. Soc. 33, 581 (1988)

92. E. Palange, T. F. Heinz, F. J. Himpsel and E. Burstein, "Determination of the Interface Bandgap for CaF2/Si(111) by Resonant Second Harmonic Generation", Bull. of Am. Phys. Soc. 33, 581 (1988)

93. G. Benedetti Michelangeli, A. Landoni, M. Neri, G. Giuliani, E. Palange and G. Salvetti , "Reliable Single-Mode Operation and Fine Frequency Tuning of a Nd-glass Low-Gain Oscillator", Opt. Comm. 65, 283 (1988)

94. R. Marchetti, E. Penco, G. Giuliani and E. Palange, "35ps Q-Switched, Continuous Pumped Nd-YAG Laser Using an Electrooptical Ring Modulator", Appl. Phys. Letters 52, 13 (1988)

95. G. Giuliani, E. Palange and G. Salvetti, "Spectral Characteristics of Lasers Employing Multipass Grating Interferometers as Output Couplers", J. Opt. Soc. of America B4, 1781 (1987)

96. G. Benedetti Michelangeli, A. Landoni, G. Giuliani, E. Palange and G. Salvetti, "Optical Configurations Suitable for Reliable Single-Mode Operation of Tunable Vibronic Low Gain Lasers", Proc. SPIE 32, 810 (1987)

97. G. Benedetti Michelangeli, E. Penco, G. Giuliani and E. Palange"Q-Switching and Cavity Dumping of a CW Nd-YAG Laser By Means of a Novel Electro-Optic Configuration", Opt. Letters 11, 360 (1986)

98. P. Di Lazzaro, E. Palange and C. H. Brito Cruz, "Design of a Self-Injected Unstable Cavity Nd-YAG Laser", Appl. Phys. B39, 131 (1986)

99. G. Giuliani, E. Palange and G. Salvetti, "Observation of Strong Frequency Pulling in Resonators Employing Multipass Interferometric Output Couplers", Opt. Letters 11, 207 (1986)

100. G. Giuliani, E. Palange, S. Loreti and G. Salvetti, "Multipass Grating Interferometer as Output Coupler for Tunable Single-Mode Operation of Large Bandwidth Lasers", Opt. Letters 10, 600 (1985)

101. C. H. Brito Cruz, E. Palange and A. Balbin Villaverde, "High Voltage Subnanosecond Risetime Electrical Pulse Generation for Picosecond Laser Applications", Scien. Instr. J. Phys. E 17, 105 (1984)

102. C. H. Cruz, E. Palange, M. A. F. Scarparo, “Pump power and saturable absorber effects on femtosecond laser performance”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 1, 1287 (1984)

103. H. L. Fragnito, E. Palange, C. H. Brito Cruz and F. De Martini, "Sideband Interactions in Homogeneously Broadened Saturable Absorbers", Phys. Rev. A 29, 2716 (1984)

104. G. Giuliani, E. Palange and G. Salvetti, "Multipass Prism Interferometer for Fine Frequency Tuning, Single Mode Operation of TEA CO2 Lasers", Opt. Letters 9, 393 (1984)

105. C. H. Brito Cruz, E. Palange and F. De Martini, "A Study of the Self-Injected Laser for Subnanosecond Pulse Generation", App. Phys. B 35, 95 (1984)

106. M. M. Audibert and E. Palange, "Vibrational Predissociation of the Hydrogen Bonded (CH3)O. . . HF Complex", Chem. Phys. Lett. 101, 407 (1983)

107. C. H. Brito Cruz, F. De Martini, H. L. Fragnito and E. Palange, "Picosecond Pulse Generation by Intracavity Nonlinear Compression in Self-Injected Nd-YAG Lasers", Opt. Comm. 40, 298 (1982)

108. C. H. Brito Cruz, F. De Martini, P. Mataloni and E. Palange, "The Self-Injected Lasers for High Power Short Pulse Generation", App. Phys. B28, 175 (1982)

109. E. Palange, C. H. Brito Cruz, P. Di Lazzaro and F. De Martini, "Self-Injected Neodimium-Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Laser with an Unstable Cavity", Appl. Phys. Letters 41, 213 (1982)

110. J.C. Diels, J.J. Fontaine, J.C. McMichael, C.Y. Wang, A. Andreoni, R. Cubeddu, S. Cova, A. Longoni, W. Knox, G. Mourou, T.M. Nordlund, C.H. Brito Cruz, F. De Martini, P. Mataloni, E. Palange, J.M. Catherall, P.M. Radmore, G.H.C. New, A. Müller, F.P. Schäler, Zs. Bor, B. Rácz, D. Relser, A. Laubereau, B. Pouligny, J.R. Lalanne, B. Couilaud, A. Ducasse, C. Vaucamps, D. Schubert, J. Schwarz, H. Wabnitz, B. Wilhelmi, “Picosecond pulses and applications”, Applied Physics B Photophysics and Laser Chemistry, 28, 172 (1982)

111. C. H. Brito Cruz, E. Palange and F. De Martini, "High Power Subnanosecond Pulse Generation in Nd-YAG Lasers", Opt. Comm. 39, 331 (1981)

112. F. De Martini, G. Garofalo, P. Mataloni, E. Palange, “Surface plasmons induced surface second-harmonic generation in liquids”, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 70, 670 (1980)

113. F. De Martini, E. Palange, P. Ristori, E. Santamato, A. Venza, A. Zammit and Y. R. Shen, "Optical Mixing of Surface Plasmons", J. Opt. Soc. of America 68, 662 (1978)

114. F. De Martini, P. Mataloni, E. Palange and Y. R. Shen, "Nonlinear Optical Excitation and k-Space Spectroscopy of Surface Polaritons in Gallium Phosphide", Physics of Semiconductors edited by G. F. Fumi pages 200 - 203 (1976)

115. F. De Martini, G. Giuliani, P. Mataloni, E. Palange and Y. R. Shen, "Nonlinear Optical Excitation of Surface Polaritons in Gallium Phoshide", Opt. Comm. 18, 228 (1976)

116. F. De Martini, G. Giuliani, P. Mataloni, E. Palange and Y. R. Shen, "Study of Surface Polaritons in GaP by Optical Four-Wave Mixing", Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 440 (1976)



1. De Marcellis, A., Di Patrizio Stanchieri, G., Ros, P.M., Martina, M., Demarchi, D., Bartolozzi, C., Faccio, M., Palange, E.

“Impulse-based asynchronous serial communication protocol on optical fiber link for AER systems”

(2019) 2019 26th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2019, art. no. 8964829, pp. 370-373 - DOI: 10.1109/ICECS46596.2019.8964829

2. Di Patrizio Stanchieri, G., Saleh, M., Sciulli, M., De Marcellis, A., Ibrahim, A., Valle, M., Faccio, M., Palange, E.

“FPGA-Based tactile sensory feedback system with optical fiber data communication link for prosthetic applications”

(2019) 2019 26th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2019, art. no. 8965172, pp. 374-377 - DOI: 10.1109/ICECS46596.2019.8965172

3. De Marcellis, A., Di Patrizio Stanchieri, G., Palange, E., Faccio, M., Constandinou, T.G.

“A 0.35?m CMOS UWB-Inspired Bidirectional Communication System-on-Chip for Transcutaneous Optical Biotelemetry Links”

(2019) BioCAS 2019 - Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, Proceedings, art. no. 8918982 - DOI: 10.1109/BIOCAS.2019.8918982

4. De Marcellis, A., Sarra, A., Di Patrizio Stanchieri, G., Bruni, F., Bordi, F., Palange, E., Postorino, P.

“Balanced Laser Transmission Spectroscopy Based on a Tunable Gain Double Channel LIA for Nanoparticles Detection in Biomedical Applications”

(2019) BioCAS 2019 - Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, Proceedings, art. no. 8918741 - DOI: 10.1109/BIOCAS.2019.8918741

5. Saleh, M., Patrizio Stanchieri, G.D., Sciulli, M., Marcellis, A.D., Abbass, Y., Ibrahim, A., Valle, M., Faccio, M., Palange, E.

“Live Demonstration: Tactile Sensory Feedback System based on UWB Optical Link for Prosthetics”

BioCAS 2019 - Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, Proceedings, art. no. 8919060, (2019) - DOI: 10.1109/BIOCAS.2019.8919060

6. Rizza, C., Fantasia, M., Palange, E., Galante, A., Alecci, M.

“Meta-optics inspired configurations for magnetic resonance imaging applications”

(2019) 2019 13th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2019, art. no. 8900828, pp. X342-X344. 

DOI: 10.1109/MetaMaterials.2019.8900828

7. De Marcellis, A., Di Patrizio Stanchieri, G., Faccio, M., Palange, E., Ros, P.M., Martina, M., Demarchi, D., Bartolozzi, C

“Live demonstration: Event-driven serial communication on optical fiber”

(2019) Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2019-May, art. no. 8702207 DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS.2019.8702207

8. A. De Marcellis, G. Di Patrizio Stanchieri, E. Palange, M. Faccio, T. G. Constandinou

“An Ultra-Wideband-Inspired System-on-Chip for an Optical Bidirectional Transcutaneous Biotelemetry”, Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BIOCAS 2018), Cleveland, Ohio, USA, October 17-19, 2018

9. A. Sarra, A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, F. Bruni, F Bordi, P. Postorino

“High Performance Laser Transmission Spectroscopy: a powerful technique to investigate colloidal suspension”, 32nd Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society (2018 ECIS), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2nd -7th September 2018

10. C. Rizza. X. Li, A. Di Falco, E. Palange, A. Marini, A. Ciattoni

“Optical chiral effects in ENZ ultrathin slabs”, META 2018, the 9th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics At: Round-trip Marseille Cruise - June 24, 2018 – July 1, 2018

11. G. Di Patrizio Stanchieri, A. De Marcellis, M. Faccio, E. Palange

“An FPGA-Based Architecture of True Random Number Generator for Network Security

Applications”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2018), Florence

(Italy), 27-30 May 2018

12. A. De Marcellis, M. Faccio, E. Palange

“A 0.35µm CMOS 200kHz – 2GHz Fully-Analogue Closed-Loop Circuit for Continuous-Time Clock Duty-Cycle Correction in Integrated Digital System”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems  (ISCAS 2018), Florence (Italy), 27-30 May 2018

13. A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, M. Faccio, G. Di Patrizio Stanchieri, T. G. Constandinou

“A 250Mbps 24pJ/Bit UWB-Inspired Optical Communication System for Bioimplants”, Biomedical Circuit and System Conference (BIOCAS), Turin (Italy), October 2017

14. G. Antonelli, P. Beomonte Zobel, A. De Marcellis, E. Palange

“Battery-Powered Autonomous Robot for Cleaning of Dusty Photovoltaic Panels in Desert Zones”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”, Conference: Mechatronics 2017At: Brno (Czech Republic)Volume: In: T. B?ezina, R. Jab?o?ski (eds) Mechatronics 2017, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 644, pp. 653-661, Springer, Cham. (2017)

15. M. Janneh, A. T. Tenggara, A De Marcellis, E. Palange, D. Byun

High Q-factor dual band tunable polarization independent THz flexible metasurface for chemical sensing applications”, 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics - META’17At: Incheon – Seoul (South Korea), July 2017

16. A. De Marcellis · E. Palange, “Current-based high-sensitivity differential detection of light power using Si photodiodes in bridge configuration for chemical/biological optical sensing”, Poster session, XXX Eurosensor 2016, Budapest, Hungary, 5-7 September 2016.

17. M. Janneh, A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, “A Bandwidth optimisation and frequency tuning of plasmonic functionalised metasurfaces for optical sensing of chemical and biological substances”, Poster session, XXX Eurosensor 2016, Budapest, Hungary, 5-7 September 2016.

18. A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, M. Faccio, L. Nubile, G. Di Patrizio Stanchieri, S. Petrucci, T. Constandinou, “A New Optical UWB Modulation Technique for 250Mbps Wireless Link in Implantable Biotelemetry Systems”, Poster session, XXX Eurosensor 2016, Budapest, Hungary, 5-7 September 2016.

19. A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, N. Liberatore, S. Mengali, “Low-cost discrete off-the-shelf components 1MHz analogue lock-in amplifier for fast detection of organic compounds through pulsed lasers”, Poster session, XXX Eurosensor 2016, Budapest, Hungary, 5-7 September 2016.

20. A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, M. Janneh, C. Rizza, A. Ciattoni, S. Mengali, “Optimisation of the detection sensitivity of plasmonic nanoantenna based sensors for mid-infrared spectroscopy”, Poster session, XXIX Eurosensor 2015, Freiburg, Germany, 6-9 September 2015.

21. A. De Marcellis, M. Janneh, E. Palange, “Optical measurements by phase shift based technique for high sensitivity and high resolution detection of chemical/biological substances”, Poster session, XXIX Eurosensor 2015, Freiburg, Germany, 6-9 September 2015.

22. L. Giancaterini, S.M. Emamjomeh, A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, C. Cantalini, “NO2 gas response of WO3 nanofibers by light and thermal activation”, Poster session, XXIX Eurosensor 2015, Freiburg, Germany, 6-9 September 2015.

23. F. De Paulis, C. Rizza, A. Ciattoni, E. Palange, A. Orlandi, “Dynamically Reconfigurable Metamaterials for Shielding and Absorption in the GHz Range”, Poster session, Proc. of Joint IEEE International Symposium on EMC and EMC Europe 2015, Dresden, Germany,16-21 August 2015.

24. A. De Marcellis, E. Palange, R. Giuliani, M. Janneh, “Very high sensitivity electrically modulated Si-photodiode in photovoltaic-mode as phase-sensitive detector of light power”, Poster session, 13th IEEE SENSORS Conference, SENSORS 2014, Valencia, Spain, 2-5 November 2014.

25. C. Rizza, E. Palange, A. Ciattoni, “Artificial electromagnetic chirality in multi-layered metamaterial structures”, 3rd Mediterranean Photonics Conference, MePhoCo 2014, Trani, Italy, 7-9 May 2014.

26. A. Di Gaspare; M. Ortolani; O. Limaj; A. Nucara; S. Lupi; C. Rizza; E. Palange; P. Carelli, “Bandpass filters in the terahertz range based on Al-on-Si metasurfaces”, 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Oral presentation, IRMMW-THz 2010, Rome, Italy, 5-10 September 2010.

27. A. Ciattoni, C. Rizza, E. Palange, “Extreme nonlinear optical regime supported by metamaterials: beam transverse power flow reversing”, Poster session, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QELS 2010, San José, California, USA, 16-21 May 2010.

28. G. Antonini; M. Di Clerico; A. Orlandi, E. Palange, V. Ricchiuti, M. Passacantando, S. Santucci, “Design of a test vehicle for nanowire characterization for signal integrity applications”, Poster session, 20th International Zurich Symposium on EMC, Zurich, Switzerland,12-16 January 2009.

29. C. Rizza; A. Priante; D. Doddi; F. De Paulis; Orlandi A; P. Carelli; E. Palange, “Metamaterials for effective, single transmission resonant curves in the 1-5 THz spectral region”, Poster session, 3rd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, London, UK, 30 August – 4 September 2009.

30. V. Guaiani, F. Ciancetta, G. Bucci, M. Faccio, E. Palange, "A measurement system to evaluate Quantum Efficiency in CMOS Image Sensors", Poster session, Proceedings of IEEE International Multiconference on Systems, Signals and Devices, Hammamet, Tunisia, March 19-22, 2007.

31. M. Donno, E. Palange, F. Di Nicola, G. Bucci, F. Ciancetta "A Flexible Optical Fiber Goniometer For Dynamic Angular Measurements", Poster session, Proceedings of IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 1-3 May, 2007.

32. E. Del Re, A. Pierangelo, E.Palange, A. Ciattoni, Y. Garcia, A. J. Agranat, “Linear writing of waveguides in bulk photorefractives”, Oral presentation, CLEO/Europe – IQEC 2007 – European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the International Quantum Electronics Conference Munich (Germany), 17-22 June 2007.

33. A. D’Ercole, E. Palange, E. Del Re, A. Ciattoni, B. Crosignani, and A.J. Agranat, “Miniaturization and Embedding of Soliton-Based Electro-Optically Addressable Photonic Arrays”, Oral Presentation, International Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics CLEO, Long Beach (USA) 21-26 May 2006.

34. A. Capobianchi, S. Foglia, P. Imperatori, G. Scavia, T. Del Buono, A. Notargiacomo, M. Giammatteo, L. Arrizza, E. Palange, “CdS-filled carbon nanotubes: structural characterization and electrical behaviour”, Poster session, NT05: Sixth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes, Gothenburg, (Sweden), 26 June – 1st July, 2005.

35. E. Del Re, B. Crosignani, E. Palange, A. J. Agranat, “Electro-optic beam manipulation through photorefractive needles”, Oral Presentation, International Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics CLEO, Baltimore (USA) 1-5 June 2003.

36. E. Palange, L. Di Gaspare, and F. Evangelisti, “Real time spectroscopic ellipsometric analysis of Ge film growth on Si(001) substrates”, Poster session, European Materials Reasearch Society, Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France) 18-21 June 2002. TUTTI GLI STRASBURGO SU ELSEVIER DA PRENDERE ALL’UNIVERSITA’

37. L. Di Gaspare, A. Notargiacomo, F. Evangelisti, E. Palange, S. Pascarelli, and J. Susini, “Strain instabilities and compositional analysis of low mismatched SiGe virtual substrates by means of X-ray scanning microscope”, European Materials Research Society, Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France) 18-21 June 2002.

38. E. Palange, L. Di Gaspare, A. Notargiacomo, and F. Evangelisti, “Optical properties of multi stacked self assembled strained and relaxed Ge quantum dots on Si(001)”, Poster presentation, European Materials Research Society, Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France) 18-21 June 2002.

39. E. Giovine, A. Notargiacomo, L. Di Gaspare, E. Palange, F. Evangelisti, R. Leoni, G. Castellano, G. Torrioli, and V. Foglietti, “Field-induced tunneling in SiGe wires”, Poster session, European Materials Research Society, Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France) 18-21 June 2002.

40. L. Di Gaspare, G. Scappucci, E. Palange, K. Alfaramawi, F. Evangelisti, G. Barucca, and G. Majni, “Electrical properties of high mobility two-dimensional electron gases in Si/SiGe modulation doped heterostructures grown on silicon-on-insulator substrates”, European Materials Research Society, Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France) 5-8 June 2001.

41. L. Di Gaspare, P. Fiorini, G. Scappucci, F. Evangelisti, and E. Palange, “Defects in SiGe virtual substrates for high mobility electron gas”, Oral presentation, 5th International workshop on “Expert Evaluation & Control of Compound Semiconductor Materials & Technologies”, Heraklion, Creta (Greece), 21-24 May 2000. 

42. E. Giovine, A. Notargiacomo L. Di Gaspare, E. Palange, F. Evangelisti, R. Leoni, G. Castellano, G. Torrioli, e V. Foglietti, “Investigation of SiGe-heterostructure nanowires”, “Trend in NanoTechnology 2000”, Toledo (Spain) 12-16 October 2000.

43. L. Colace, G. Masini, F. Galluzzi, G. Assanto, G. Capellini, L. Di Gaspare, E. Palange, F. Evangelisti, “Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Near Infrared Light Detector Based on Epitaxial Ge on Si”, Poster session, CLEO/Europe Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Glasgow, Scotland (UK), 14-18 September 1998.

44. L. Di Gaspare, G. Capellini, E. Palange, F. Evangelisti, G. Masini, L. Colace, F. Galluzzi, and G. Assanto, "Ge on Si(100) Near-Infrared Detectors: Materials Issues and Results", XXIVth International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors, Jerusalem (Israel) 02-07 August 1998.

45. G. Capellini, L. Di Gaspare, E.Palange, F. Evangelisti, C. Spinella, and S. Lombardo, "Morphology Evolution and Growth Dynamic of Single- and multi-layers of Ge Islands Grown on Si by UHV-CVD", XXIVth International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors, Jerusalem (Israel) 02-07 August 1998.

46. L. Colace, G. Masini, F. Galluzzi, G. Assanto, G. Capellini, L. Di Gaspare, E. Palange, and F. Evangelisti, “Near infrared light detectors based on UHV-CVD epitaxial Ge on Si (100)”, Poster session, Materials Research Society Symposium, Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) 1-5 December 1997.

47. G. Capellini, E. Palange , L. Di Gaspare, and F. Evangelisti", Quantum Confinement Effects of Ge Structures Grown on Si(100) Surfaces", Oral session, 15th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society : Baveno-Stresa, Italy, April 22-25 April 1996.

48. C. Mazzali, E. Palange, and H. L. Fragnito, "A New Method for a Full Nondestructive Optical Characterization of Er-Doped Fibers", Poster session, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore (USA) 21-26 May 1995.

49. V.C.R Solano, L. C. Barbosa, H. L. Fragnito, A. S. Duarte, E. Palange, C. L. Cesar, C. H. Brito Cruz, O. L. Alves, “CdTe quantum dots borosilicate doped glass for optical devices”, Poster session, Proceedings of Topical Symposium VII on Advanced Materials in Optics, Electro-Optics and Communication Technologies of the 8th CIMTEC-World Ceramics Congress and Forum on New Materials, Firenze (Italy), 28 June – 4 July 1994.

50. E. Palange, G. Giuliani and G. Salvetti, "Estimation of the Spectral Features of Single-Mode Pulsed Lasers", Poster Session, International Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics CLEO, Baltimore (USA) 2-7 May 1993.

51. E. Palange, G. Giuliani , and G. Salvetti, "Novel Spectral Behaviour of a Q-Switched Nd:glass Laser", Oral presentation, International Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics CLEO, Baltimore (USA) 12-17 May 1991.

52. E. Palange, and G. Salvetti, "Intrapulse Frequency Control in Long Pulse Single-mode High Power CO2 Lasers by means of Reflective High Finesse Interferometer", Poster session,  International Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics CLEO, Anaheim (USA) 21-25 May 1990.

53. E. Palange, T. F. Heinz, F. J. Himpsel and E. Burstein, "Determination of the Interface Bandgap for CaF2/Si(111) by Resonant Second Harmonic Generation" American Physical Society Meeting, 21-25 March 1988.

54. T. F. Heinz, E. Palange, G. S. Cargill III and A. Erbil, "Optical Second-Harmonic Generation by As Impurities in Crystalline Si", American Physical Society Meeting, 21-25 March 1988.

55. T. F. Heinz, F. J. Himpsel, E. Palange and T. Suzuki, "Recent Advances in Nonlinear Spectroscopy for Surface Studies", Invited paper International Quantum Electronics Conference I.Q.E.C., Tokio (Japan) 18–21 July 1988.

56. G. Benedetti Michelangeli, M. Neri, G. Giuliani, E. Palange and G. Salvetti, "Reliable Single-Mode Operation of a Nd-glass Low-Gain Oscillator", Poster session, International Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics CLEO, Baltimore (USA) 28-30 April 1987.

57. G. Giuliani, E. Palange and G. Salvetti, "Effects of Strong Frequency Pulling on Output Stabilization in Single-Mode Laser Employing Multielement Interferometers", Oral presentation, International Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics CLEO, Baltimore (USA) 28-30 April 1987.

58. G. Giuliani, E. Palange and G. Salvetti, "Tunability over the Entire Gain Line of Single-Mode, Large Band Lasers Employing High Finesse Grating Interferometers", Poster session, International Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics CLEO, San Francisco (USA) 9 –13 June 1986.

59. R. Marchetti, E. Penco, G. Giuliani and E. Palange, "30ps High-Power Operation of a Mode-Locked, Q-switched and Cavity-Dumped CW Nd-YAG Laser by Means of an Electro-Optic Ring Modulator", Poster session, Intern International Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics CLEO, San Francisco (USA) 9 –13 June 1986.

60. G. Giuliani, E. Palange, S. Loreti and G. Salvetti, "3.5 GHz Fine-Tuned Single-Mode TEA CO2 Laser Using a Novel Multipass Grating Interferometer", Poster session, International Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics CLEO, Baltimore (USA) 21-24 May 1985.

61. G. Benedetti Michelangeli, E. Penco, G. Giuliani and E. Palange, "Q-switching and Cavity Dumping of a CW Nd-YAG Laser Using a Novel Electro-Optic Modulator", Poster session, International Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics CLEO, Baltimore (USA) 21-24 May 1985.

62. C. H. Brito Cruz, E. Palange and M. A. Scarparo, "Pump Power and Saturable Absorber Effects on Femtosecond Laser Performance", Poster session, Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America, San Diego (USA) 7-12 October 1984.

63. C. H. Brito Cruz, F. De Martini, P. Mataloni and E. Palange, "The Self-Injected Lasers for High Power Short Pulse Generation", Oral presentation, XIIth International Quantum Electronics Conference I.Q.E.C. , Munich (Germany) 22–25 June 1982.

64. C. H. Brito Cruz, F. De Martini, P. Mataloni and E. Palange, "The Self-Injected lasers for High Power Short Pulse Generation", Oral presentation International  Conference on Laser and ElectroOptics, CLEO, Phoenix (USA) 14-16 April 1982.

65. F. De Martini, G. Garofalo, P. Mataloni and E. Palange "Surface Plasmons Induced Surface Second Harmonic Generation in Liquids", Oral presentation, XIth International Quantum Electronics Conference I.Q.E.C., Boston (USA) 23–26 June 1980.

66. F. De Martini, E. Palange, P. Ristori, E. Santamato, A. Venza, A. Zammit and Y. R. Shen, "Optical Mixing of Suraface Plasmons", Oral presentation, Xth International Quantum Electronics Conference I.Q.E.C. Atlanta (USA) 29 May–1 June 1978.

67. F. De Martini, E. Palange and A. Venza, "Excitation of Coherent Antistokes Surface Plasmons by Mixing of Surface Plasmons", Oral presentation, IXth Inter. Conf. on Laser and Nonlinear Optics, Leningrad (USSR), 5-8 June 1978.

68. F. De Martini, G. Giuliani, P. Mataloni, E. Palange and Y. R. Shen, "Nonlinear Optical Excitation of Surface Polaritons in Gallium Phoshide", Oral presentation, IXth International Quantum Electronics Conference I.Q.E.C.  Amsterdam (Holland) 14–18 June 1976.
