array("lezione prof 1","lezione prof 2" ), "Esami"=>array("esame prof 1","esame prof 2","esame prof 2","esame prof 2","esame prof 2","esame prof 2","esame prof 2" ), "Altro"=>array("prova news1","prova news2") ); */ //include_once "ez_sql.php"; require_once( 'localContext.php' ); // automatically includes global_config.php require_once( CONTEXT_PATH . 'classi_php/DBManager.class.php' ); // defined in localContext.php //$db = new db("innamorati","56cappa","facolta",""); //$news_raw = $db->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); //print_r($news_raw); $gestoreDB = new DBManager( 'facolta' ); $connessione =& $gestoreDB->getConnessione(); //echo "VIS: $vis
"; $query="SELECT, titolo, dataInserimento, dataScadenza, descrizione FROM news,tiponews WHERE ".$vis."=1 AND news.tiponews=tiponews.tiponews AND datascadenza > '".date("Y-m-d")."' ORDER BY dataInserimento desc"; //echo $query."
"; $statement = $connessione->prepare($query); $res = $connessione->execute( $statement ); //print_r($res); if (PEAR::isError($res)) die($res->getMessage()); $buff = $res->fetchInto($notizia, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $catp = $buff["descrizione"]; //$news_raw[0]["descrizione"]; //foreach($news_raw as $n=>$rec){ while($res->fetchInto($rec, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)){ //echo $rec["descrizione"]."
"; if ($catp != $rec["descrizione"]){ $news[$catp] = $cat; $catp = $rec["descrizione"]; $cat = array(); } $cat[] = array( "id"=>$rec["id"],"titolo"=>$rec["dataInserimento"]."
".$rec["titolo"]); } $news[$catp] = $cat; //print_r($news); ?>