Marco Vailati
Nome: Marco
Cognome: Vailati Qualifica: Ricercatore a tempo determinato Settore Scientifico Disciplinare: ICAR/09 (Tecnica Delle Costruzioni) Struttura di afferenza: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile - Architettura, Ambientale Email: marco.vailati ![]() Telefono Ufficio: +39 0862434508 |
Insegnamento | Orario di ricevimento |
Curriculum scientifico
(Aggiornato il 12-05-2021)
From 2019 to today
Researcher at University of l'Aquila,
Postdoctoral fellow. Research title, "Uncertainties on the assessment of seismic behavior of
masonry and reinforced concrete structures".
Postdoctoral fellow trough public procedure selecting. Research title, “Effects of Uncertainties on
the Assessment of Seismic Behavior of Building Cluster”. Announcement published on 06/02/2013
Modeling of uncertainties in seismic risk assessment, probabilistic assessment of MBC, limit
analysis of circular shaped structure under seismic loads
Department of structural and geotechnical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome
Postdoctoral fellow trough public procedure selecting. Research title, “Seismic Vulnerability
Assessment of Masonry Building Cluster”. Announcement published on 10/12/2010
Interaction among structural units, stiffness of decks, treatment of intrinsic and epistemic
Department of structural and geotechnical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome
Ph.D. in structural engineering with dissertation of the thesis “Effects of Intrinsic and Epistemic
Uncertainties on the Seismic Response of Masonry Building Cluster: Formulation of a non Linear
Analytical Procedure and Sensitivity Analysis”.
Downloadable at following link:
Research activities in the field of structural engineering: structural reliability, risk analysis,
sensitivity analysis, structural modeling, structural strengthening with advanced techniques.
Department of structural and geotechnical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome
II level University Master Degree (grade: 27/30).
High proficiency in design and achievement of reinforced concrete structures under seismic loads,
concerning new construction as well as restoration of existing building.
3rd University of Rome
Civil engineering student (100 credits to the master degree on the total of 300)
In-depth knowledge of principal topics in civil engineering, especially in the field of earthquake
engineering: structural mechanics, dynamic of structures, risk and sensitivity analysis, Modeling
with software Adina, Sap, Cosmos, Straus. School of engineering, Sapienza University of Rome
1. Vailati, M., Monti, G., Di Gangi, G. (2018). Earthquake-safe and Energy-Efficient Infill Panels
for Modern Buildings. In: Rupakhety R., Òlafsson S. (eds) Earthquake Engineering and
Structural Dynamics in Memory of Ragnar Sigbjörnsson. ICESD 2017. Springer book series
“Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering”, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-62099-
2_12. Springer, Switzerland, vol. 44, p. 213-261
2. Vailati, M., Monti, G. (2016). Earthquake-Resistant and Thermo-Insulating Infill Panel with
Recycled-Plastic Joints. In: D'Amico S (ed) Earthquakes and their Impact on Society.
Springer Natural Hazard, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-21753-6_16. Springer, Switzerland, p.
3. Monti, G., Vailati, M., Marnetto, R. (2016). Base Isolation and Translation of a Strategic Building
Under a Preservation Order. In: D'Amico S (ed) Earthquakes and their Impact on Society.
Springer Natural Hazard, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-21753-6_16. Springer, Switzerland, p.
4. Vailati, M., Massa, L., 2013. Tecniche di calcolo non lineare per la progettazione e
l’adeguamento di edifici e ponti in zona sismica secondo le NTC-08. GOING TO REVIEW
5. Marnetto, R., Massa, L., Vailati, M., 2004. Progetto sismico di strutture nuove in cemento armato
ai sensi dell'ordinanza n.3274 del 08/05/2003 e successive integrazioni n.3316, Edizioni
Kappa, Roma, pp. 1-150, ISBN: 88-7890-554-2
6. Vailati, M., Monti, G., Bianco, V. (2021). Integrated Solution-Base Isolation and Repositioning-for the Seismic Rehabilitation of a Preserved Strategic Building. Buildings 2021, 11, 164.
8. Angiolilli, M., Gregori, A., Vailati, M. (2020). Lime-Based Mortar Reinforced by Randomly Oriented Short Fibers for the Retrofitting of the Historical Masonry Structure. Materials 2020, 13, 3462.
9. Di Gangi, G., Monti, G., Quaranta, G., Vailati, M., Demartino, C. (2020). A simplified analytical procedure for seismic analysis of timber light-frame shear walls. NED University Journal of Research, Special Issue on First South Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (SACEE'19), DOI: 10.35453/NEDJR-STMECH-2019-0054. pp. 173-180.
10. Vailati, M., Monti, G., 2012. Strengthening of masonry walls by transverse connection through
afrp rods: experimental tests and analytical models. NED University Journal of Research,
Thematic Issue on Earthquakes, pp. 61-72.
11.Di Gangi, G., Monti, G., Quaranta, G., Vailati, M., Demartino, C. (2019). A simplified analytical procedure for seismic analysis of timber light-frame shear walls. Proceedings of the 1th South Asia Conference on Earthquake Enineering (SACEE’19). Karachi, Pakistan, February 21-22
12. Di Gangi, G., Demartino, C., Quaranta, G., Vailati, M., Monti, G. (2018). Timber Shear Walls:
Numerical Assessment of the Equivalent Viscous Damping. Proceedings of 6thInternational
Conference INTEGRITY-RELIABILITY-FAILURE. July 22-26, Lisbon, Portugal.
13. Vailati, M., Monti, G.,Khazna, M.J., Realfonzo, R., De Iuliis. (2016). Probabilistic seismic
response analysis of existing masonry structures. Proceedings of the 16thInternational Brick
and Block Masonry Conference. "Masonry in a World of Challenges".June 26-30, Padova,
14. Vailati, M., Monti, G.,Realfonzo, R., Khazna, M.J., De Iuliis, M., Valeri, G. (2015). A simplified
approach to evaluate seismic response of masonry structures based on probabilistic
analysis. Proceedings of the 4thInternational Workshop DISS_15. Dynamic Interaction of
Soil and Structure. November 12-13, Roma, Italy.
15. Vailati, M., Monti, G., Di Gangi, G. (2015). Multi-Performance Innovative Infill Panels.
Proceedings of 2nd ACE Advances in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vietri sul Mare,
Italy, 12-13 June.
16. Vailati, M., Monti, G.,Di Gangi G. (2015). Seismic assessment of Masonry building cluster with
a dedicated NLA software. Proceedings of the 2ndInternational Symposium on Advances in
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol. I, Vietri sul Mare (SA), Italy.
17. Monti, G., Vailati, M, Marnetto, R. (2014). Seismic retrofitting of a strategic building through
base isolation and translation. Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering
and Seismology, Instanbul, Turkey, August 25-29.
18. Vailati, M, Monti, G. (2014). Recycled-plastic joints for earthquake resistant infill panels. Second
European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Instanbul, Turkey,
August 25-29.
19. Vailati, M., Caluisi, A., Monti, G. (2014). Environmentally friendly joints for seismic resistant infill
panels. Proceedings AICAP 2014: Structures in the urban environment, Bergamo.
20. Vailati, M., Monti, G. (2014). Lo studio di aggregati edilizi con software di calcolo non lineare
dedicato. Atti del Workshop Safe Monuments. Vol. I (in italian), Firenze.
21. Monti, G., Vailati, M., 2013. VENUS: Un programma per l’analisi non lineare semplificata di
aggregati edilizi. 15TH convegno ANIDIS “L'ingegneria sismica in Italia”, Padova, 30 giugno
- 4 luglio 2013, vol. 1
22. Monti, G., Vailati, M., Gaetani, A., Paolone, A., 2013. Modelli analitici di capacità per archi di
muratura rinforzati soggetti ad azioni sismiche. 15TH convegno ANIDIS “L'ingegneria sismica
in Italia”, Padova, 30 giugno - 4 luglio 2013, vol. 1
23. Monti, G., Vailati, M., Marnetto, R., Ducci, G., Schiavi, C., 2013. Adeguamento sismico di un
edificio strategico mediante isolamento alla base e traslazione. 15TH convegno ANIDIS
“L'ingegneria sismica in Italia”, Padova, 30 giugno - 4 luglio 2013, vol. 1
24. Vailati, M., Monti, G., Khazna, M.J., Napoli, A., Realfonzo, R., 2012. Probabilistic Assessment
of Masonry Building Clusters. 15TH world conference of earthquake engineering, Lisbon,
Portugal, 24-28 september 2012.
25. Vailati, M., Monti, G., 2011. L’analisi di aggregati edilizi con solai rigidi e flessibili. 14TH
convegno ANIDIS “L’ ingegneria Sismica in Italia”, Bari, 18-22 settembre 2011, Vol. 1.
26. Menegotto, M., Monti, G., Salvini, S., Vailati, M., 2010. Improvement of transverse connection
of masonry walls through AFRP bars. 5TH international conference on frp composites in civil
engineering, Beijing, China, 27-29 september 2010, vol. 1.
27. Vailati, M., Menegotto, M., Monti, G., 2010. Solidarizzazione di muri ortogonali tramite barrette
di afrp: modelli analitici di capacità e riscontri sperimentali. Sicurezza e conservazione dei
beni culturali colpiti da sisma strategie e tecniche di ricostruzione ad un anno dal terremoto
abruzzese, Venezia, Università IUAV, 8-9 aprile 2010.
28. Menegotto, M., Monti, G., Salvini, S., Vailati, M., 2009. Solidarizzazione di muri ortogonali
tramite barrette di AFRP. Wondermasonry 2009 workshop on design for rehabilitation of
masonry structures, Lacco ameno, Ischia, 8-10 ottobre 2009, vol. 1
29. Monti, G., Vailati, M., 2009. Vulnerabilità degli aggregati edilizi con incertezze intrinseche ed
epistemiche. Wondermasonry 2009 Workshop on Design for Rehabilitation of Masonry
Structures, Lacco Ameno, Ischia, 8-10 Ottobre 2009, vol. 1
30. Monti, G., Vailati, M., 2009. Analisi di vulnerabilità sismica di edifici in aggregato: un caso
esempio. 13TH convegno ANIDIS “L'ingegneria sismica in Italia”, Bologna, 28 giugno - 2 luglio
2009, vol. 1
31. Monti, G., Vailati, M., 2009. Procedura di analisi non lineare statica per la valutazione sismica
degli edifici in aggregato. 13TH convegno ANIDIS “L'ingegneria sismica in Italia”, Bologna,
28 giugno - 2 luglio 2009, vol. 1
2016 - Certified training course on COMSOL Multiphysics concerning Mechanics and fluiddynamics
2009 – Course on masonry constructions ”Modeling, seismic safety and conservation of
ordinary and monumental buildings”
2009 – Course of “Seismic Reliability Analysis of structures”
2008 – Course of “Random dynamic”
2008 – Non linear structural analysis
2000 – 40 hours of the advanced Professional Training Course, at the International Centre for
Mechanical Sciences (CISM) of Udine “Ordinary and pre-cast reinforced concrete structures,
design with advanced techniques”
1999 - FEM-STRAUS course at University of Padova, faculty of engineering, “On the use of the
Finite Element Software in linear and nonlinear analysis”
2016 - Professor of retrofitting of buildings at Master EuroProject - Sapienza University of Rome -
Director Prof. Giorgio Monti
2016 - Ph.D co-tutor, work's title “A simplified methodology to estimate the seismic reliability of
masonry structures affected of high uncertainties”
2015 - Ph.D co-tutor, work's title “Seismic behavior of masonry buildings: probabilistic assessment
by using a simplified procedure”
2013 – Peer review of ASCE journal, American Society of Structural Engineering
2012 – Member of the national organizing committee of the 6TH International Conference on FRP
Composites in Civil Engineering - CICE 2012
2012 – M.Sc. degree co-tutor, work's title “Environmentally friendly joint for seismic resistant infill
2011 – Teaching. Lessons on masonry structures - II level University Master Degree PEC, design,
execution and control of building in seismic area. Fondazione Campus Studi del Mediterraneo,
2011 – Teaching. Lessons on masonry building cluster - II level University Master Degree,
assessment, control and reduction of seismic and environmental risk. Sapienza University of
Rome, RM.
2011/12 – Teaching. Lessons of structural analysis and design – Master’s degree course, Faculty
of Architecture “Valle Giulia”, RM.
2010/11 – Teaching. Lessons of structural analysis and design – Master’s degree course, Faculty
of Architecture “Valle Giulia”, RM.
2011 –Tutor of master’s degree, title “Seismic assessment of existing masonry buildings”
2011 – Co-tutor of Ph.D. thesis, title “ Probabilistic assessment of masonry building clusters”
2011 –Tutor of master’s degree, title “Effects of uncertainties on seismic response of masonry
building cluster”
2010 –Tutor of master’s degree, title “Seismic vulnerability assessment of masonry building cluster
located in Crotone, RC”
2009/10 – Teaching. Lessons of structural analysis and design – Master’s degree course in
restoration, Faculty of Architecture “Valle Giulia”, RM.
2009 –Studies for restoration of historical centre of Paganica, destroyed by earthquake of april 6,
2009, l’Aquila, AQ
2008/09 - Teaching. Lessons of structural analysis and design – Master’s degree course in
restoration, Faculty of Architecture “Valle Giulia”, RM.
2008/09 – Teaching. Lessons of structural analysis and design – Master’s degree course in
restoration, Faculty of Architecture “Valle Giulia”, RM.