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Mariangela De Vita

Nome: Mariangela
Cognome: De Vita
Qualifica: Docente esterno
Settore Scientifico Disciplinare: ICAR/11 (Produzione Edilizia)
Struttura di afferenza: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile - Architettura, Ambientale
Email: mariangela.devitaunivaq.it; mariangela.devita@cnr.it

Insegnamenti tenuti - a.a.

InsegnamentoOrario di ricevimento
Sicurezza del cantiere (I3S - Tecniche della protezione civile e sicurezza del territorio) Giovedì 10.00 - 12.00.

Curriculum scientifico

(Aggiornato il 08-08-2024)

Link versione stampabile (pdf)

Eng. Arch. Mariangela De Vita was born in Vallo della Lucania (SA) on 06.06.1987. She obtained the Liceo Classico High school diploma in 2006 with a score of 100/100 and the degree in Building Engineering - Architecture E.U. with full marks cum laude, on last session of the academic year 2011/2012 at the University of L'Aquila.

In December 2014 she won a public competition held by the University of L'Aquila for the PhD course in Civil, Architectural Construction and Environmental Engineering, XXIX cycle. The activity was carried out under the scientific responsibility of Prof. Pierluigi De Berardinis and Prof. Paolo Beccarelli, Nottingham University.

From 2014 to 2016, following a public competition, she won three research grants given respectively by the Abruzzo Region (Al.Fo. project, lasting 12 months, under the scientific responsibility of Prof. Pierluigi De Berardinis), by the University of L'Aquila (Erbor_Aq project, lasting 8 months, under the scientific responsibility of Prof. Fabio Graziosi) and by the Institute for Construction Technologies of the National Research Council (internship/work grant for research activities lasting 12 months under the scientific responsibility of Engineer Antonio Mannella). The research activity over the three-year period was carried out within the SC 08 / C1; in particular, the research focused on innovative technologies for both the sustainability of buildings and the construction process, including assessments on the behaviour of confined spaces with particular regard to monitoring environmental comfort and compatibility analysis for the energy efficiency of valuable architectural heritage (seismic and energy retrofit, integration of technical textiles for sustainability, passive devices such as light pipes and ventilation chimneys for improving environmental performance, Smart Buildings and ICT for architecture). In the same three-year period she collaborated in teaching (PhD student activity) in the courses of Technical Architecture II (a.y. 2014/2015) and Construction Site (a.y. 2015/2016 and 2016/2017) of the study course in Building Engineering-Architecture U.E., University of L'Aquila.

On 14.07.2017 she was awarded the title of PhD in Civil, Architectural Construction and Environmental Engineering.

From 02.05.2018 to 28.08.2022 she was a research fellow at the Institute for Construction Technologies of the CNR; the activity was carried out under the scientific responsibility of Prof. Carla Bartolomucci (years 2018-2019), of Eng. Ilaria Trizio (years 2020-2021) and Eng. Antonio Mannella and Prof. Giovanni Fabbrocino (from 2021 to 2022). Thanks to the multidisciplinary vocation of her research, she was winner - for two consecutive years (2018 and 2019) - of the national Short Term Mobility call organized by the CNR, receiving funding for mobility at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

In 2019, following participation in a national public competition based on qualifications and exams, she resulted suitable for the role of Researcher - III professional level, for the National Research Council, relating to the Industrial and Civil Engineering Strategic Area.

In 2020 she teught the course “Dalla bioclimatica al riuso adattivo. Verso la definizione di organismi edilizi biotecnologici - strumenti di ricerca” as part of the training activities of the PhD XXXV Cycle in Civil, Architectural Construction and Environmental Engineering of the University of L'Aquila. From 2015 to the present, Eng. Arch. De Vita collaborates in national and international research groups, contributing to the multidisciplinary nature of projects within the 08 / C1 sector, and carries out teaching activities at the University of L' Aquila.

She takes part in the editorial board of the International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning ISSN: 1743-7601 (Print); 1743-761X (Online). The journal is included by ANVUR in the list of scientific journals for SC  08/C1. She is also peer reviewer for scientific journals of SC 08/C1 Area. The journals for which the activity is carried out are: Energy and Buildings (Classe A, 08/C1, ISSN: 0378-7788), Energies (Classe A, 08/C1, ISSN 1996-1073), Sustainability (Classe A, 08/C1, ISSN 2071-1050), Buildings (Anvur, 08/C1, ISSN 2075-5309).

She got a special mention on the occasion of the VI edition of the Zordan Prize (available on the website https://www.univaq.it/news_home.php?id=12591), titled “Ingegneria e architettura: progetto e costruzione”. The prize was awarded on the basis of "Box on a square" project, "Progetto e costruzione in architettura" section. See http://www.dunamisarchitettura.com/work/box-on-a-square/. Eng. Arch. De Vita was the architectural design collaborator of the project. In 2022, together with the colleague Ing. Arch. Eleonora Laurini, she aworded the Woman for RES Prize for the project GREEN DUCT.

The results of her work can be consulted in more than 60 research papers, in the patent content (Dispositivo di Ventilazione per Interni) and can be found in the seminars, in the lectures held and in the participation of the candidate as a speaker at numerous scientific conferences. 

