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Giulio Antonini

Nome: Giulio
Cognome: Antonini
Qualifica: Professore ordinario
Settore Scientifico Disciplinare: ING-IND/31 (Elettrotecnica)
Struttura di afferenza: Dipartimento di Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione e di economia
Email: giulio.antoniniunivaq.it
Telefono Ufficio: +39 0862434462
Altro telefono: +39 3209231116
Fax Ufficio: +39 0862434403
Pubblicazioni: https://ricerca.univaq.it/cris/rp/rp01438
Home Page personale: orcid.org/0000-0001-5433-6173

Insegnamenti tenuti - a.a.

InsegnamentoOrario di ricevimento
Compatibiità elettromagnetica (I4L - Ingegneria Elettrica)  
Elettrotecnica (percorso meccanica) (I3D - Ingegneria Industriale)  
Elettrotecnica applicata e metodi di calcolo (I4L - Ingegneria Elettrica)  
Elettrotecnica e complementi(percorsi Meccanica) (I3D - Ingegneria Industriale)  

Curriculum scientifico

(Aggiornato il 12-06-2023)

Link versione stampabile (pdf)

Giulio Antonini (M'94) received the Laurea degree (summa cum laude) in Electrical Engineering in 1994 from theUniversity of L’Aquila and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1998 from the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Since 1998 he has been with the UAq EMC Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of L'Aquila where he is actually Associate Professor. His research interests focus on EMC analysis, numerical modeling and in the field of Signal Integrity for high-speed digital systems. In 1998 he received the Best Transactions Paper Award for the best paper published in the IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility in 1997. In 2004, 2005 and 2006 he was awarded with the IBM Shared University Research (SUR) Award. In 2004 he received the CST University Publication Award for the best paper based on Finite Integration Technique. In 2006 he received a Technical Achievement Award from the IEEE EMC Society “For innovative contributions to computational electromagnetic on the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) technique for EMC applications”. He is the recipient of the 2007 IET-SMT Best Paper Award. Since 1998 he collaborates with the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (New York) in the development of algorithms for PEEC modeling. Prof. Antonini has been Chair of the IEEE EMC Italy Chapter, the Chair of the TC-10 Committee and is actually a member of the TC-9 committee of the IEEE EMC Society. He has been Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE EMC Society for the period 2010-2011. He serves as member of the Editorial Board of IET Science, Measurements and Technology and as reviewer in a number of IEEE-IET journals.

Journal papers

[J1]   G.Antonini, S.Cristina, A.Orlandi, “EMC Characterization of SMPS Devices: Circuit and Radiated Emissions Model”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compatibility, Vol. 38, n. 3, pp. 300-309, Agosto 1996. Lavoro invitato “Special issue on EMC Research in Italy”. IF: 0.483, 1.083, 1.504


[J2]   G. Antonini, S.Cristina, A.Orlandi, “A Spice Model for Near Field Transient Analysis of Ferromagnetic Grids”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compatibility, vol.39, n.2, pp. 114-122, Maggio 1997. IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society 1998 Prize Paper Award. IF: 0.483, 1.083, 1.504


[J3]   G. Antonini, S. Cristina, A. Orlandi, "PEEC Modeling of Lightning Protection Systems: Full-Wave Formulation and Circuit Solution", IEEE Trans. on Electromag. Compatibility, vol. 40 n. 4, pp. 481 - 491, Novembre 1998. Lavoro invitato “Special issue on Lightning”. IF: 0.483, 1.083, 1.504


[J4]   G.Antonini, A.Orlandi, C.Paul, "Internal Impedance of Conductors of Rectangular Cross Section", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory Tech, vol. 47, n.7, pp. 979-985, Luglio 1999. IF: 1.476, 2.711, 3.187


[J5]   G.Antonini, S.Cristina, A.Orlandi, "A Prediction Model for Electromagnetic Interferences Radiated by an Industrial Power Drive System", IEEE Trans.on Industry Applications, vol. 35, n.4, pp. 870-876, Luglio/Agosto 1999. IF: 0.374, 2.058, 2.812


[J6]   G.Antonini, A.Orlandi, "Lightning Induced Effects on Lossy MTL Terminated on Arbitrary Loads: a Wavelet Approach", IEEE Trans. on Electromag. Compatibility, vol. 42, n. 2, pp. 181-189, Maggio 2000. IF: 0.404, 1.083, 1.504


[J7]   G.Antonini, A.Orlandi, "Gradient Evaluation for Neural Networks-Based Electromagnetic Optimization Procedures", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory Tech, vol. 48, n.5, pp. 874-876, Maggio 2000. IF: 1.004, 2.711, 3.187


[J8]   G.Antonini, A.Orlandi, "A Wavelet Based Time Domain Solution for PEEC Circuits", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I:Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol. 47, n.11, pp.1634-1639, Novembre 2000. IF: 0.595, 2.043, 2.411


[J9]   G. Antonini, A.Orlandi, "Wavelet Packet-Based EMI Signal Processing and Source Identification", IEEE Trans. on Electromag. Compatibility, vol. 43, n. 2, pp. 140-148, Maggio 2001. IF: 0.468, 1.083, 1.504


[J10]  G. Antonini, A. Orlandi, C.R. Paul, “Authors’ Reply”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 49, n.8, pp. 1512-1513, Maggio 2001. IF: 1.264, 2.711, 3.187


[J11]  G. Antonini. A. Orlandi, C. Sartori, J. R. Cardoso, C. C. B. Oliveira, "Constrained Decision Planning Applied to Field Profile Optimization in LPS of Structures Directly Struck by Lightning", IEEE Trans. on on Magnetics, vol. 38, n. 2, pp. 757-760, Marzo 2002. IF: 1.016, 1.129, 1.147


[J12]  G. Antonini, A. Orlandi, A. Ruehli, "Analytical Integration of Quasi-Static Potential Integrals of Non-Orthogonal Coplanar Quadrilaterals for the PEEC Method", IEEE Transactions on Electromag. Compatibility, vol. 44, n. 2, pp. 399-403, Maggio 2002. IF: 0.649, 1.083, 1.504


[J13]  G. Antonini, J. Drewniak, A. Orlandi, V. Ricchiuti, "Eye Pattern Evaluation in High Speed Digital Systems Analysis" IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 50, n.7, pp. 1807-1815, Luglio 2002. IF: 1.511, 2.711, 3.187


[J14]  G. Antonini, A. Ciccomancini Scogna, A. Orlandi, “Equivalent Network Synthesis for Via Holes Discontinuities” in IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, vol. 25, n. 4, pp. 528-536, Novembre 2002. IF:  1.253 1.734


[J15]  G. Antonini, A. Orlandi, S. D'Elia, "Shielding Effects of Reinforced Concrete Structures to Electromagnetic Fields Due to GSM and UMTS Systems", in IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, vol. 39, n. 3, pp. 1582-1585, Maggio 2003. IF: 0.947, 1.129, 1.147


[J16]  G. Antonini, A. Ruehli, A. Mayo, J. Esch, J. Ekman, A. Orlandi, "Non-Orthogonal PEEC Formulation for Time and Frequency Domain EM and Circuit Modeling", in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 45, n.2, pp. 167-176, Maggio 2003. IF: 0.809, 1.083, 1.504


[J17]  G. Antonini, A. Ciccomancini Scogna, A. Orlandi, “S-Parameters Characterization of Through, Blind and Buried Via Holes”, in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 2, n. 2, pp. 174-184, Aprile-Giugno 2003.


[J18]  G. Antonini, "Spice Equivalent Circuits of Frequency Domain Responses", in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. vol. 45, n.3, pp. 502-512, Agosto 2003. IF: 0.809, 1.083, 1.504


[J19]  G. Antonini, A. Ruehli, "Fast Multipole and Multi-Function PEEC Methods", in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 2, n. 4, pp. 288-298, Ottobre-Dicembre 2003.


[J20]  G. Antonini, "Fast Multipole Method for Time Domain PEEC Analysis", in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 2, n. 4, pp. 275-287, Ottobre-Dicembre 2003.


[J21]  G. Antonini, A. Orlandi, "Spice Equivalent Circuit of a Two-Parallel Wires Shielded Cable for Evaluation of the RF Induced Voltages at the Terminations", in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 46, n. 2, pp. 189-198, Maggio 2004. IF: 0.774, 1.083, 1.504


[J22]  G. Antonini, A. Ciccomancini Scogna, A. Orlandi, “Grounding, Unbalancing and Length Effects on Termination Voltages of a Twinax-Cable During Bulk Current Injection”, in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 46, n. 2, pp. 302-308, Maggio 2004. IF: 0.774, 1.083, 1.504


[J23]  G. Antonini, G. Ferri, “A Compact Representation of Transmission Lines”, IEE Proceedings on Science, Measurements and Techniques, Vol. 151, n. 3, pp. 64-72, Maggio 2004. IF: 0.295, 0.596, 0.635


[J24]  G. Antonini, “A New Methodology for the Transient Analysis of Lossy and Dispersive Multiconductor Transmission Lines”, in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory Tech., Special Issue on Model Order Reduction Methods, vol. 52, n. 9, pp. 2227-2239, Settembre 2004. IF: 1.543, 2.711, 3.187


[J25]  G. Antonini, A. Ciccomancini Scogna, A. Orlandi, “De-embedding Procedure Based on Computed/Measured Data Set for PCB Structures Characterization”, in IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, vol. 27, n. 4, pp. 597-602, Novembre 2004. IF: 1.025, 1.253, 1.734


[J26]  G. Antonini, G. Ferri, “A New Approach for Closed-Form Transient Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines”, in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 46, n. 4, pp. 529-543, Novembre 2004 (Best Paper Nomination). IF: 1.543, 1.083, 1.504


[J27]  M.Y. Koledintseva, J. L. Drewniak, D. J. Pommerenke, G. Antonini, A. Orlandi, K. N. Rozanov, “Wideband Lorentzian Media in the FDTD Algorithm”, in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 47, n.2, pp. 392-399, Maggio 2005. IF: 0.873, 1.083, 1.504


[J28]  G. Antonini, G. Ferri, “A Ladder Networks Delay Model for Coupled Interconnects”, in IEE Proceedings on Science, Measurements and Techniques, vol. 153, n. 2, pp. 64-72, Marzo 2006. IF: 0.461, 0.596, 0.635


[J29]  J. Ekman, G. Antonini, A. Orlandi, A. E. Ruehli, “Impact of Partial Element Accuracy for PEEC Model Stability”, in IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 48, n. 2, pp. 19-32, Febbraio 2006. IF: 0.770, 1.083, 1.504


[J30]  G. Antonini, A. Orlandi, “Efficient Transient Analysis of Long Lossy Shielded Cables”, in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 48, n. 2, pp. 42-56, Febbraio 2006. IF: 0.770, 1.083, 1.504


[J31]  G. Antonini, “Transient Analysis of Composite Right/Left Handed Metamaterials”, in Proceedings of the European Microwave Association, n. 4, pp. 305-311, Dicembre 2006.


[J32]  A. Duffy, A. Martin, A. Orlandi, G. Antonini, T. M. Benson, M. Woolfson, “Feature Selective Validation (FSV) for validation of Computational Electromagnetics (CEM). Part I – The FSV Method”, in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 48, n. 3, pp. 449-459, Agosto 2006. IF: 0.770, 1.083, 1.504


[J33]  A. Duffy, A. Martin, A. Orlandi, G. Antonini, T. M. Benson, M. Woolfson, “Feature Selective Validation (FSV) for validation of Computational Electromagnetics (CEM). Part II – Numerical Verification”, in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 48, n. 3, pp. 460-467, Agosto 2006. IF: 0.770, 1.083, 1.504


[J34]  A. Orlandi, G. Antonini, R. M. Rizzi, “Equivalent circuit model of bundle of cables for bulk current injection (BCI) test”, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility., vol. 48, n. 4, pp. 701-713, Novembre 2006. IF: 0.770, 1.083, 1.504


[J35]  G. Antonini, D. Dischrijver, T. Dhaene, “Broadband Macromodels for Retarded Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (rPEEC) Method”, in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 49, n. 1, pp. 35-48, Febbraio 2007. IF: 0.835, 1.083, 1.504


[J36]  G. Antonini, “PEEC Capacitance Extraction of 3-D Interconnects”, in IET Science, Measurements and Techniques, vol. 1, n. 4, pp. 201-209, Luglio 2007. IF: 0.493, 0.596, 0.635


[J37]  G. Antonini, “Innovative Method for Tree Structured Interconnects” in IET Science, Measurements and Techniques, vol. 1, n. 3, pp. 170-178, Maggio 2007. 2007 IET-SMT Best Paper Award. IF: 0.493, 0.596, 0.635


[J38]  G. Antonini, A. Orlandi, “Time domain modeling of lossy and dispersive thin layers”, in IEEE Microwave Wireless and Components Letters, vol. 17, n. 9, pp. 631-633, Settembre, 2007. IF: 1.725, 2.302, 2.533


[J39]  G. Antonini, G. Ferri, “Ladder Network based model for Interconnects and Transmission Lines Time Delay and Cutoff Frequency Determination”, in Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, vol. 16, n. 4, pp. 489-495, Agosto 2007. IF: 0.130, 0.099, 0.269


[J40]  G. Antonini, “A Low Frequency Accurate Cavity Model for Calculating Voltage Bounces in Power-Ground Structures”, in IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 50, n. 1, pp. 138-148, Febbraio 2008. IF: 1.083, 1.083, 1.504


[J41]  G. Antonini, D. Deschrijver, T. Dhaene, “Broadband Rational Macromodeling Based on the Adaptive Frequency Sampling Algorithm and the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 50, n. 1, pp. 128-137, Febbraio 2008. IF: 1.083, 1.083, 1.504


[J42]  G. Antonini, F. Ferranti, “An Integral-Equation Based Approach for the Analysis of Tapered Transmission Lines”, in IET Science, Measurements and Techniques, vol. 2, n. 5, pp. 295-303, Settembre 2008. IF: 0.596, 0.596, 0.635


[J43]  G. Antonini, “A Dyadic Green's Function Based Method for the Transient Analysis of Lossy and Dispersive Multiconductor Transmission Lines”, in IEEE Transactions on Microwaves Theory and Techniques, vol. 56, n. 4, pp. 880-895, Aprile 2008. IF: 2.711, 2.711, 3.187


[J44]  G. Antonini, “A Green's Function Approach for the Transient Analysis of Lossy and Dispersive Planar Layers”, in International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol. 21, n. 6, pp. 413-438, November/December 2008. IF: 0.509, 0.509, 0.528


[J45]  G. Antonini, J. Zhang, M. Koledintseva, J. Drewniak, D. Pommerenke, R. DuBroff, Z. Yang, C. Rozanov, A. Orlandi, "Reconstruction of dielectric material properties for dispersive substrates using a genetic algorithm", in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 50, n. 3, pp. 704-714, Agosto 2008. IF: 1.083, 1.083, 1.504


[J46]  G. Antonini, A. E. Ruehli, C. Yang, “PEEC Modeling of Dispersive Dielectrics”, IEEE Trans. on Advanced Packaging, vol. 31, n. 4, pp. 768-782, Novembre 2008. IF: 1.253, 1.253, 1.734


[J47]  G. Antonini, D. Deschrijver, T. Dhaene, “Efficient power bus modeling based on an adaptive frequency sampling technique”, in Wiley International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol. 22, n. 1, pp. 57-76, Gennaio/Febbraio 2009. IF: 0.509, 0.509, 0.528


[J48]  G. Antonini, L. De Camillis, F. Ruscitti, “A spectral approach to frequency-domain sensitivity analysis of multiconductor transmission lines”, IEEE Microwave Wireless and Components Letters, vol. 19, n. 2, pp. 65-67, Febbraio 2009. IF: 2.302, 2.302, 2.533


[J49]  G. Antonini, “A Closed-Form Rational Model of Right/Left-Handed Coupled Ladder Networks”, ACES Journal, vol. 24, n. 1, pp. 45-55, Febbraio 2009. IF: 0.333, 0.333, 0.339


[J50]  G. Antonini, P. Pepe, “Input-to-State Stability Analysis of Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Models”, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems-Part I, vol. 56, n. 3, pp. 673-684, Marzo 2009. IF: 2.043, 2.043, 2.411


[J51]  A. Di Pasquale, G. Antonini, A. Orlandi, “Shielding Effectiveness for a Three-Phase Transformer at Various Harmonic Frequencies”, IET-Science Measurement and Techniques, vol. 3, n. 2, pp. 175-183, Aprile 2009. IF: 0.596, 0.596, 0.635


[J52]  G. Antonini, L. De Camillis, “Time-Domain Green's Function-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines With Nonlinear Terminations”, IEEE Microwave Wireless and Components Letters, vol. 19, n. 7, pp. 428 - 430, Luglio 2009. IF: 2.302, 2.302, 2.533


[J53]  G. Antonini, “A Spectral Formulation for the Transient Analysis of Plane-Wave-Coupling to Multiconductor Transmission Lines”, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 51, n. 3, part II, pp. 792-804, Agosto 2009. (Best Paper Nomination). IF: 1.083, 1.083, 1.504


[J54]  G. Antonini, L. De Camillis, F. Ruscitti, “Sensitivity analysis of microstrip transmission lines”, ACES Journal, vol. 24, n. 4, pp. 352-360, Agosto 2009. IF: 0.333, 0.333, 0.339


[J55]  M. Di Clerico, G. Antonini, A. Orlandi, V. Ricchiuti, S. Santucci, “Design of a Test Vehicle for Nanowire Characterization for Signal Integrity Applications”, Turk J. Elec. Eng. and Comp. Sci., vol. 17, n. 3, 2009.


[J56]  G. Antonini, “Advanced models for time domain analysis of anisotropic sheets”, in Wiley International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 23, n. 1, 2010, pp. 1-19. IF: 0.509, 0.509, 0.528


[J57]  G. Antonini, D. Frigioni, G. Miscione, “Hybrid Formulation of the Equation Systems of the 3-D PEEC Model Based on Graph Algorithms”, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems-Part I. Vol. 57, n. 1, January 2010, pp. 249 – 261. IF: 2.043, 2.043, 2.411


[J58]  J. Zhang, M. Y. Koledintseva, R. E. DuBroff, D. J. Pommerenke, J. L. Drewniak, G. Antonini, A. Orlandi, “Characterization of Dispersive Layered Materials for Printed Circuit Boards Using Vector Network Analyzers and Genetic Algorithms”, Progress in Electromagnetic Research, PIER, vol. 102, pp. 267-286, 2010. IF 4.735.


[J59]  G. Antonini, “A general framework for the analysis of metamaterial transmission lines”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, PIER B, vol. 20, pp. 353-373, 2010.


[J60]  G. Antonini, F. Ferranti, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, “Parametric Macromodeling of Lossy and Dispersive Multiconductor Transmission Lines”, IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, Vol. 33, n. 2, pp. 481 – 491, Maggio 2010. IF: 1.253, 1.253, 1.734


[J61]  G. Antonini, L. De Camillis, V. Jandhyala, “Power-bus sensitivity analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, Vol. 33, n. 2, pp. 447 – 456, Maggio 2010. IF: 1.253, 1.253, 1.734


[J62]  G. Antonini, A. Orlandi, L. Raimondo, “Advanced Models for Signal Integrity and Electromagnetic Compatibility-Oriented Analysis of Nano-Interconnects”, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 52, n. 2, pp.447-454, 2010. IF: 1.083, 1.083, 1.504


[J63]  R. Ferrauto, F. De Paulis, E. Ippoliti, F. Vasarelli, U. Di Marcantonio, A. Orlandi and G. Antonini, “Electromagnetic Analysis of a Supply Chain for Satellite Applications: 3D Modeling and Validation”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 52, n. 3, pp. 629 – 639, 2010. IF: 1.083, 1.083, 1.504


[J64]  G. Antonini, “Spectral Models for the Estimation of Delay and Crosstalk in High-Speed Interconnects”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 52, n. 3, pp. 728 - 736, 2010. IF: 1.083. 1.083, 1.504


[J65]  G. Antonini, F. Ferranti, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, D. De Zutter, “Parametric Macromodeling for Tabulated Data Based on Internal Passivity”, IEEE Microwave and Components Letters, vol. 20, n. 10, pp. 533 – 535, 2010.


[J66]  F. Ferranti, G. Antonini, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, “Guaranteed Passive Parameterized Model Order Reduction of the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) Method”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 52, n. 4, pp. 974 - 984, 2010.


[J67]  G. Antonini, F. Ferranti, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, “Passivity-Preserving Parametric Macromodeling for Highly Dynamic Tabulated Data Based on Lur’e Equations”, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques., vol. 58, n. 12, parte 1, pp. 3688 - 3696, 2010.


[J68]  G. Antonini, A. E. Ruehli, “Waveform Relaxation Time Domain Solver for Subsystem Arrays”, IEEE Trans. on Advanced Packaging (Special Issue on Recent Progress in Electrical Modeling and Simulation of High-Speed Integrated Circuits and Packages), vol. 33, n. 4, pp. 760 – 768, 2010. Invited Paper.


[J69]  F. Ferranti, G. Antonini, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, “Passivity-preserving Interpolation-based Parameterized Model Order Reduction of the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) Method Based on Scattered Grids”, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol. 24, n. 5, pp. 478-495, December 2011.


[J70]  G. Antonini, F. Ferranti, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, “Physics-based Passivity-Preserving Parameterized Model Order Reduction for PEEC based Analysis”, IEEE Trans. on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 1, n.3, pp. 399 – 409, 2011.


[J71]  F. Ferranti, M. Nakhla, G. Antonini, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert and A. E. Ruehli, “Multipoint Full-Wave Model Order Reduction for Delayed PEEC Models with Large Delays”, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 53, n. 3, pp. 243 - 248, 2011.


[J72]  G. Antonini, F. Ferranti, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert and A. Orlandi, “Compact and Accurate Models of Single-Wall-Carbon-Nanotube Interconnects”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 53, n. 3, pp. 1025 - 1033, 2011.


[J73]  F. Ferranti, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, G. Antonini and A. Ciccomancini Scogna, “Scalable Compact Models for Fast Design Optimization of Complex Electromagnetic Systems”, International Journal RF-CAD, vol. 22, n. 1, pp. 20 - 29, 2012.


[J74]  L. De Camillis, F. Ferranti, G. Antonini, D. Vande Ginste, D. De Zutter, “A Parameterized Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method for Sensitivity Analysis of Multiport Systems”, IEEE Trans. on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology., Vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 248 – 255, Febbraio 2012.


[J75]  F. Ferranti, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, G. Antonini, “Parametric Macromodeling Based on Amplitude and Frequency Scaled Systems with Guaranteed Passivity”, Wiley International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 139–151, March/April 2012.


[J76]  F. Ferranti, M. Nakhla, G. Antonini, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert and A. Ruehli, “Interpolation-based Parameterized Model Order Reduction of Delayed Systems”, IEEE Trans. on MTT, Vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 431-440, March 2012.


[J77]  G. Antonini, “Spectral Models of Lossy and Dispersive Non-Uniform Transmission Lines”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 474-481, April 2012.


[J78]  D. Spina, F. Ferranti, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, G. Antonini, “Variability Analysis of Multiport Systems via Polynomial Chaos Expansion”, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques., Vol. 60, no.8, pp. 2329 – 2338, 2012.


[J79]  D. Spina, F. Ferranti, G. Antonini, T. Dhaene and L. Knockaert, “Time-Domain Green’s Function-Based Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines”, IEEE Trans. on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 1510 – 1517, 2012.


[J80]  F. Ferranti, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, G. Antonini, “Parametric Macromodeling for S-parameter Data   Based on Internal Nonespansivity”, Wiley International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 15-27, Gennaio/Febbraio 2013.


[J81]  A. Ruehli, G. Antonini and L. Jiang, “Skin-effect Models for Time and Frequency Domain PEEC Solver”, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 101, no. 2, pp. 451 – 472. Invited Paper.


[J82]  C. Holloway, E. Kuester, A. E. Ruehli, G. Antonini, “Partial and Internal Inductance: Two of Clayton R. Paul’s Many Passions”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 55, n. 4, pp. 600 - 613, 2013.


[J83]  G. Antonini, A. Orlandi, S. Pignari, “Review of Clayton R. Paul Studies on Multiconductor Transmission Lines”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 55, n. 4, pp. 639 - 647, 2013.


[J84]  G. Antonini, D. Romano, “Efficient Frequency-Domain Analysis of PEEC Circuits Through Multiscale Compressed Decomposition”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 56, n. 2, pp. 454-465, 2014.


[J85]  G. Antonini, D. Romano, “An Accurate Interpolation Strategy for Fast Frequency Sweep of Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Models”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 56, n. 3, pp. 653 - 658, 2014.


[J86]  G. Antonini, D. Romano, “Acceleration of Nodal-Time-Domain Analysis of PEECCircuits Through Multiscale Compressed Decomposition”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 56, n. 4, pp. 970-979, 2014.


[J87]  D. Spina, F. Ferranti, G. Antonini, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, “Efficient Variability Analysis of Electromagnetic Systems   via Polynomial Chaos and Model Order Reduction”, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 4, n. 6, pp. 1038 - 1051, 2014.


[J88]  G. Antonini, D. Romano, “Partitioned Model Order Reduction of Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Models”, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing, Vol. 4, n. 9, pp. 1503 - 1514, 2014.


[J89]  D. Romano, G. Antonini, D. Daroui, J. Ekman, “A Fast Sparse Reluctance and Capacitance-Based Solver for the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility,Vol. 56, n. 5, pp. 1077- 1086, 2014.


[J90]  F. Ferranti, G. Antonini, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, “Parametric Models for Efficient Design of Nanotube Interconnects”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 56, n. 6, pp. 1674 - 1681, 2014.


[J91]  V. Tamburrelli, F. Ferranti and G. Antonini, “A Rational Macromodel for the Cardiovascular Tree”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1-17, 2015.


[J92]  G. De Luca, G Antonini, P. Benner, "Parallelization of Multi-Point Model Order Reduction Algorithm of PEEC Models”, ACES Journal, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1-21, 2015.


[J93]  D. Spina, F. Ferranti, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, G. Antonini, “Polynomial Chaos-Based Macromodeling of Multiport Systems Using an Input-Output Approach”, Wiley International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol. 28, n. 4, pp. 419-432, July/August 2015.


[J94]  G. Antonini, D. Romano, “Quasi-Static Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Models of Linear Magnetic Materials”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 51, no. 7, 2015.


[J95]  G. Antonini, D. Romano, “Adaptive-Cross-Approximation Based Acceleration of Transient Analysis of Partial Element Equivalent Circuits”, IET Antennas, Microvawes and Devices., vol. 9, no. 7, pages 700-709, 2015.


[J96]  G. Antonini, D. Romano, “A Vector Multiscale Compressed Decomposition based Solver for PEEC Method”, vol. 28, n.4, July/August, 2015, pages 419-432, Wiley International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields.


[J97]  G. Antonini, D. Romano, M. Bandinelli, A. Mori. A. Dieudonne Goleanu, M. Dunand, “A Surface PEEC Formulation for High-Fidelity Analysis of the Current Return Networks in Composite Aircrafts”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 57, no. 5, pages 1027-1036, 2015


[J98]  M. De Lauretis, G. Antonini, J. Ekman, “Delay-Rational Model of Multiconductor Transmission Lines with Frequency Independent Per-Unit-Length Parameters”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 57, no. 5, pages 1235-1245, 2015.


[J99]  D. Romano, G. Antonini, "Partial Element Equivalent Circuit-Based Transient Analysis of Graphene Based Interconnects", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 58, no. 1, pages 801- 810, 2016.


[J100] F. Ferranti, A. De Marcellis, M. Janneh, E. Palange, G. Antonini, "A metamodeling technique for the efficient design optimization of metasurfaces", Electronics Letters, Vol. 52, no. 14, pages 1191-1192, 2016.


[J101] D. Romano, G. Antonini, "Augmented Time Domain PEEC Solver for Dispersive Magnetic Materials Modeling", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol. 52, no. 5, 2016.


[J102] M. De Lauretis, G. Antonini, J. Ekman, "A SPICE Realization of the Delay-Rational Green’s Function Based Method for Multiconductor Transmission Lines", IEEE Trans. on EMC., Vol. 58, no. 4, pages 1158-1168, 2016.


[J103] D. Romano, G. Antonini, A. E. Ruehli, "Time Domain PEEC Solver Including Non-Linear Magnetic Materials", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol. 52, no. 9, 2016.


[J104] A. Astorino, G. Antonini, M. Swaminathan, "A New Approach for Magneto-Static Hysteresis Behavioral Modeling", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol. 52, no. 9, 2016. 


[J105] L. De Camillis, F. Ferranti, G. Antonini, “Parameterized Model Order Reduction for Efficient Time and Frequency Domain Global Sensitivity Analysis of PEEC Circuits”, ACES Journal, vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 1170-1180, 2016.


[J106] D. Romano, G. Antonini, M. D'Emidio, D. Frigioni, A. Mori, M. Bandinelli, "Rigorous DC Solution of Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Models", IEEE Trans. on CAS-I, Vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 1499- 1510, 2016.


[J107] L. Lombardi, P. Belforte, G. Antonini, "Digital Wave Simulation of Quasi-Static Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method", IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 59, no. 2, pages 429-438, 2017.


[J108] D. Spina, T. Dhaene, L. Knockaert, G. Antonini, "Passive Polynomial Chaos-Based Macromodeling of Multiport Systems", IEEE Trans. on MTT, Vol. 65, no. 5, pages 1422-1433, 2017.


[J109] C. Gianfagna, M. Swaminathan, P. M. Ray, R. Tummala and G. Antonini, "A Machine Learning Approach to Design Nano-Magnetic-Based Antennas", Springer JEMS. Vol. 46, no. 8, pp 4963–4975, Agosto 2017.


[J110] D. Romano, G. Antonini, "Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Model of Magneto-Dielectric Materials ", IET-MAP, Vol. 11, no. 6, pages 915 – 922, 2017.


[J111] L. Lombardi, R. Raimondo, G. Antonini, "Electrothermal Formulation of the PEEC Method", Wiley International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, published on-line May 9, 2017.


[J112] M. Parise, G. Antonini, “On the Radiation from a Short Current-Carrying Straight Wire Oriented Perpendicular to a Stratified Medium”, Progress in Electromagnetic Research, PIER, Vol. 159, pages 49-57, 2017.


[J113] M. Parise, M. Muzi, G. Antonini, “Loop antennas with uniform current in close proximity to the Earth: Canonical solution to the surface-to-surface propagation problem”, Progress in Electromagnetic Research B, Vol. 77, pages 57-69, 2017.


[J114] L. Lombardi, D. Romano, G. Antonini, "Accurate and Efficient Low-Frequency Solution of Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Models", IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 59, no. 5, pages 1514 – 1522, Ottobre 2017. 


[J115] L. Lombardi, D. Romano, G. Antonini,, "Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Modeling of Silicon Interconnects", IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques., Vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 4794-4801, 2017. DOI 10.1109/TMTT.2017.2727487.


[J116] A. Hartman, D. Romano, G. Antonini, J. Ekman, " Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Models of Three-dimensional Geometries Including Anisotropic Dielectrics ", IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 60, no. 3, pages 696 – 704, June 2018.


[J117] L. Lombardi, M. De Lauretis, G. Antonini, J. Ekman, "On the Distortionless Propagation on Multiconductor Transmission Lines ", IEEE Trans. on CMPT, sezione EDAPS 2016, Vol. 8, n. 4, pp. 538-545, April 2018.


[J118] L. Lombardi, G. Antonini, A. Ruehli, "Analytical Evaluation of Partial Elements Using a Retarded Taylor Series Expansion of the Green’s Function", IEEE Trans. on MTT., Vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 2116-2127, May 2018, DOI 10.1109/TMTT.2018.2812159.


[J119] R. Razzaghi, M. Scatena, K. Sheshyekani, M. Paolone, F. Rachidi, G. Antonini, “Locating Lightning Strikes and Flashovers using Electromagnetic Time Reversal”, Electric Power Systems Research. Vol. 160, pp. 282-291


[J120] A. Astorino, D. Romano, G. Antonini, "Fast and Versatile Inverse Hysteresis Model in Quasi-Static Regime: derivation and implementation in Simulink and PEEC frameworks", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol. 54, no. 7, 2018.


[J121] E. Biello, G. Antonini, M. De Lauretis, J. Ekman, "A delay-rational model of electromagnetic interference on multiconductor transmission lines", Wiley International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 31, no.4, July/August, 2018.


[J122] F. Ferranti, M. D. Astorino, N. Tedeschi, G. Antonini, F. Frezza, "Efficient Design of Metamaterial Absorbers using Parametric Macromodels", ACES Journal., Vol. 33, no. 7, 2018.


[J123] M. Parise, G. Antonini, "On the Inductive Coupling Between Two Parallel Thin-Wire Circular Loop Antennas", IEEE Trans. on EMC. Vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 1865-1872, 2018.


[J124] D. Romano, L. Lombardi, G. Antonini, "Acceleration of the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method with Uniform Tessellation-Part I: Identification of Geometrical Signatures", Wiley International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 31, no. 6, November/December 2018.


[J125] D. Romano, L. Lombardi, G. Antonini, "Acceleration of the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method with Uniform Tessellation-Part II: Efficient Frequency Domain Solver with Interpolation and Reuse of Partial Elements", Wiley International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 31, no. 6, November/December 2018.


[J126] M. Parise, V. P. Tamburrelli, G. Antonini, “Mutual impedance of thin-wire circular loops in near-surface applications”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 558 – 563, April 2019


[J127] C. Gianfagna, L. Lombardi, D. Romano, G. Antonini, "Marching-on-in-Time Solution of Delayed PEEC Models with Improved Temporal Basis Functions", IET-MAP, Vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 42-47, January 2019.


[J128] F. Ferranti, G. Antonini, "On the Passivity of the Quasi-Static PEEC Method", Wiley International Journal on Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 304-310, February 2019.


[J129] D. Romano, L. Lombardi, G. Antonini, "Analytical Formula for the Magnetic-to-Electric Field Coupling of Magnetization in the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol. 54, no. 10, October 2018.


[J130] D. Romano, L. Lombardi, G. Antonini, Kovacevic, U. Grossner, "Analytical Formulas for the Computation of the Electric Field in the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method with Conductive, Dielectric, and Magnetic Media", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol. 55, no. 10, 2019.


[J131] D. Romano, G. Antonini, "Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Formulation for Moving Objects", IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 61, no. 5, October 2019.


[J132] L. Lombardi, M. Nakhla, F. Ferranti and G. Antonini, "Time-Domain Sensitivity Analysis of Delayed Partial Element Equivalent Circuits", IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 61, no. 5, October 2019.


[J133] T. Scozzafava, D. Romano, G. Antonini, “Non-Destructive Testing of Cylindrical Ropes through the Parametric Transformer”, Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society Journal, Vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 1411-1417.


[J134] L. Lombardi, G. Antonini, I. Kovacevic, U. Grossner, "Circuit synthesis techniques of rational models of electromagnetic systems: A Tutorial paper", Wiley International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 32, no. 5, September/October 2019.


[J135] P. Belforte, D. Spina, L. Lombardi, G. Antonini, T. Dhaene, “Automated Framework for Time-Domain Piecewise Linear Fitting Method Based on Digital Wave Processing of S-Parameters”, IEEE Trans. on Circuit and Systems I: Regular Papers., Vol. 67, no. 1, 2020.


[J136] M. Stumpf, G. Antonini, and I. Lager, “Time-Domain Electromagnetic Field Transmission between Small Loop Antennas on a Half-Space with Conductive and Dielectric Properties”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 68, no. 2, 2020.


[J137] M. Stumpf, G. Antonini, “Lightning-Induced Voltages on Transmission Lines Over a Lossy Ground—An Analytical Coupling Model Based on the Cooray–Rubinstein Formula”, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Vol. 62, no. 1, 2020.


[J138] M. Parise, D. Romano, G. Antonini, “On the flux linkage between pancake coils in resonance-type wireless power transfer systems”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Volume 2020, Article ID 8630978.


[J139] L. Lombardi, D. Romano, G. Antonini, "Efficient Numerical Computation of Full-wave Partial Elements Modeling Magnetic Materials in the PEEC Method", Transactions on Microwaves Theory and Techniques, Vol. 68, no. 3, 2020. 


[J140] M. Stumpf, and G. Antonini, “Pulsed EM Field Transfer between a Horizontal Electric Dipole and a Transmission Line – A Closed-Form Model Based on the Cagniard-DeHoop Technique”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 68, no. 4, 2020.


[J141] A. Hartman, G. Antonini, J. Ekman, M. De Lauretis, "Bandlimited Distortionless Material Design by an Approximation of the Heaviside Condition", IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 62, no. 2, 2020.


[J142] M. Parise, L. Lombardi, G. Antonini, “Magnetic coupling between coplanar filamentary coil antennas with uniform current”, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 62, no. 2, 2020.


[J143] M. Stumpf, G. Antonini, “Electromagnetic Field Coupling to a Transmission Line – A Reciprocity-Based Approach”, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 62, no. 2, 2020.


[J144] L. Lombardi, Y. Tao, M. Nakhla, F. Ferranti, G. Antonini, B. Nouri, "Parametric Model Order Reduction and Simulation of delayed PEEC Circuits in the Frequency-Domain", IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 859-869, June 2020.


[J145] D. Romano, I. Kovacevic, M. Parise, U. Grossner, J. Ekman, G. Antonini, “Rigorous DC solution of PEEC Models Including Dielectrics and Magnetic Materials”, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 870-879, June 2020.


[J146] L. Pantoli, D. Spina, D. Romano, G. Leuzzi, G. Antonini, "Time-Domain Stability Analysis Method of RF and Microwave Circuits", IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 13, no. 14, December 2019.


[J147] I. Kovacevic-Badstubner, D. Romano, G. Antonini, L. Lombardi, U. Grossner, "Full-wave Computation of the Electric Field in the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method Using Taylor’s Expansion of the Retarded Green’s Function", IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 3242-3254, August, 2020.


[J148] M. Stumpf, and G. Antonini, “Electromagnetic Field Coupling between a Horizontal Loop Antenna and a Transmission Line: An Analytical Time-Domain Model”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 62, no. 4, April 2020.


[J149] M. Stumpf, G. Antonini, A. Ruehli, “Retarded Partial Coefficients of Coplanar Rectangles: Their Computation Based on the Cagniard-DeHoop Technique”, IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 148989-148996, 2020.


[J150] L. Feng, D. Alfkey, L. Lombardi, G. Antonini, P. Benner, "Moder Order Reduction for Delay Systems by Iterative Interpolation", International Journal for Numerical Modeling in Engineering. Vol. 122, n. 3, February 2021.


[J151] I. Kovacevic, D. Romano, U. Grossner, J. Ekman, G. Antonini, "Accurate Calculation of Partial Inductances for the Orthogonal PEEC Formulation", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 63, n. 1, 2021.


[J152] M. Stumpf, G. Antonini, “Transient Close-Range Electromagnetic Field Coupling Between Loop Antennas at the Interface of Dissipative Half-Spaces”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation., Vol. 69, no. 3, March 2021.


[J153] I. Kovacevic, D. Romano, G. Antonini, J. Ekman, U. Grossner, “Broadband Circuit-Oriented Electromagnetic Modeling for Power Electronics: 3-D PEEC Solver vs. RLCG-Solver”, Energies, Vol. 14, no. 10, 2835, 2021, Special Issue on Electromagnetic Modeling in Power Electronics (Guest Editors. I. Stefanovic, B. Wunsch).


[J154] L. Lombardi, F. Loreto, M. Nakhla, Y. Tao, A. E. Ruehli, F. Ferranti, G. Antonini, "Time Domain Analysis of Retarded Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Models Using Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transform", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 63, no. 3, 2021. Usare gli esempi del lavoro con Pepe che erano stabili.


[J155] P. Belforte, D. Spina, M. D. Astorino, G. Antonini, and M. Ferrari, "Frequency Domain Behavior of S-Parameters Piecewise-Linear Fitting in a Digital-Wave Framework", International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, e2934, 2021.


[J156] F. Ferranti, G. Antonini, and M. Nakhla, “A Partial Element Equivalent Circuit-metamodel combination for fast tolerance analysis of electromagnetic systems”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 2581-2586, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1002/mop.32929.


[J157] M. Parise, F. Loreto, D. Romano, G. Antonini, J. Ekman, “Accurate Computation of Mutual Inductance of Non-Coaxial Pancake Coils”, Energies 2021, 14(6), 4907, https://doi.org/10.3390/en14164907 - 11 Aug 2021, Special Issue on Electromagnetic Modeling in Power Electronics (Guest Editors. I. Stefanovic, B. Wunsch).


[J158] F. Di Murro, D. Romano, M. De Lauretis, I. Kovacevic-Badstubner, L. Lombardi, U. Grossner, J. Ekman, F. Frezza, G. Antonini, "Efficient Computation of Partial Elements in the Full-Wave Surface-PEEC Method", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1189-1201, 2021.


[J159] M. Stumpf, G. Antonini, I. E Lager, G. A. E. Vandenbosch “Electromagnetic Field Signal Transfer Across a Thin Combined Sheet”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 1058-1064, 2021.


[J160] S. Licciardi, P. Dattoli, F. Loreto, F. Frezza, G. Antonini, “About the use of generalized forms of derivatives in the study of electromagnetic problems”, Applied Sciences, Special Issue on Advanced Technologies in Electromagnetic Compatibility (Guest Editors A. De Leo, G. Andrieu, A. D’Aloia), Vol. 11, no. 16, 2021, 7505. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11167505.


[J161] M. De Lauretis, E. Haller, F. Di Murro, D. Romano, G. Antonini, J. Ekman, I. Kovacevic-Badstubner, U. Grossner, “On the rectangular mesh and the decomposition of a Green's-function-based quadruple integral into elementary integrals”, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 134, no. 1, January 2022, pp. 419-434, Elsevier.


[J162] M. Stumpf, F. Loreto, G. Pettanice, G. Antonini, “Cagniard-DeHoop Technique-Based Computation of Retarded Zero-Thickness Partial Elements”, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 137, April 2022, pp. 56-64.


[J163] M. Parise, D. Romano, G. Antonini, “Loop impedance of single-turn circular coils in near-surface applications”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 64, no. 2, April 2022.


[J164] M. Stumpf, I. E. Lager, G. Antonini, “Time-Domain Analysis of Thin-Wire Structures Based on the Cagniard-DeHoop Method of Moments”, Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 4655-4662, June 2022. 


[J165]  D. Romano, L. Di Angelo, I. Kovacevic-Badstubner, U. Grossner, M. Parise, G. Antonini, “Efficient partial elements computation for the non-orthogonal PEEC method including conductive, dielectric and magnetic materials”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 58, no. 8, pp. 1-11, August 2022.

[J166]  L. Feng, L. Lombardi, P. Benner, D. Romano, G. Antonini, “Model Order Reduction for PEEC Models with Guaranteed Accuracy and Observed Stability”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I – Regular Papers, Vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 4177-4190, October 2022.

[J167]  P. Di Marco, R. Valentini, F. Santucci, G. Pettanice, G. Antonini, “Boosting NOMA systems through smart metasurfaces”, Frontiers in Communications and Networks, Sec. Communication Theory, October 2022.

[J168]  L. Feng, P. Benner, D. Romano, G. Antonini, “Matrix-Free Transfer Function Prediction Using Model Reduction and Machine Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 5392-5404, 2022. Numero speciale sul ML di Q. J. Zhang.

[J169]  I. E. Lager, M. Stumpf, G. A. E. Vandenbosch, G. Antonini, “Evaluation of Convolution Integrals for Late-Time Field Quantities Revisited”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 70, no.10, pp, 9953– 9958, 2022.

[J170]  F. Loreto, D. Romano, G. Antonini, M. Stumpf, A. E. Ruehli, “Time Domain Computation of Full-Wave Partial Inductances Based on the Modified Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transform Method”, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Power Integrity, Vol. 1, pp. 32-42, 2022. Invited paper.

[J171]  F. Loreto, G. Pettanice, G. Antonini, A. E. Ruehli, M. Nakhla, E. Gad, T. Ye, “Modified Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transform Methods for the Time-Domain Analysis of Retarded Partial Elements Equivalent Circuit Models”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2179-2188, December 2022.

[J172]  M. Stumpf, F. Loreto, G. Pettanice, G. Antonini, “Partial-inductance retarded partial coefficients: Their exact computation based on the Cagniard--DeHoop technique”, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 149, pp. 86—91, 2023.

[J173]  D. Romano, I. Kovacevic-Badstubner, G. Antonini, and U. Grossner, “Efficient PEEC Iterative Solver for Power Electronics Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Vol. 65, no. 2, 2023.

[J174]  Martin Stumpf, Giulio Antonini, and Jonas Ekman, “Transient Electromagnetic Plane Wave Scattering by a Time-Varying Metasurface: A Time-Domain Approach Based on Reciprocity”, IEEE Journal of Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques. Vol. 8, 2023.

[J175]  R. Torchio, F. Lucchini, D. Romano, L. Feng, P. Benner, G. Antonini, “A Reduced Order Modelling Approach for Full-Maxwell Lightning Strike Analyses in Layered Backgrounds”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 8, no. 3, 2023.




Elenco pubblicazioni (dall'Archivio Istituzionale IRIS)


1. IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society 1998 Prize Paper Award per l’ articolo:
G. Antonini, S. Cristina, A. Orlandi, “A Spice Model for Near Field Transient Analysis of Ferromagnetic Grids”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 39, n. 2, pp. 114-122, May 1997, pubblicato nel 1997 sulla rivista internazionale IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility.

2. 2004 IBM Shared University Research (SUR) Award per lo sviluppo di modelli equivalenti di dielettrici dispersivi e dissipativi (PEEC modeling of lossy and dispersive dielectrics).

3. 2005 IBM Shared University Research (SUR) Award per lo sviluppo di modelli di ASICs di grandi dimensioni (Equivalent circuit modeling of large ASICS for power integrity analysis).

4. 2006 IBM Shared University Research (SUR) Award per lo sviluppo della tecnica Feature Selective Validation (FSV) (A tool for computational electromagnetic validation).

5. 2004 CST University Publication Award per la migliore pubblicazione scientifica basata sul metodo Finite Integration Technique (FIT):
G. Antonini, A. Ciccomancini Scogna, A. Orlandi, “S-Parameters Characterization of Through, Blind and Buried Via Holes”, in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 2, n. 2, pp. 174-184, Aprile-Giugno 2003.

6. Technical Achievement Award della IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society “For innovative contributions to computational electromagnetic on the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) technique for EMC applications”.

7. 2007 IET Science, Measurement and Technology Best Paper Award.

8. 2009 Certificate of Acknoledgement of the IEEE EMC Society.

9. 2010-2011 IEEE EMC Society Distinguished Lecturer.

10. Best Paper Award: C. Gianfagna, R. Pulugurtha, M. Swaminathan, G. Antonini, "Enabling Antenna Design with Nano-Magnetic Materials Using Machine Learning", in Proc. of IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), 2015, Anchorage, Alaska. 

