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Mechanics of plates and shells


Denominazione del corso: Mechanics of plates and shells
Corso di studi: I4C - Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Civile
Numero di moduli: 1
Crediti: 6
Ore: 60
Tipologia: B - Attivitą caratterizzanti
Struttura: monodisciplinare
Settore Scientifico Disciplinare: ICAR/08 (Scienza Delle Costruzioni)

Docente: Ivan Giorgio (60 ore). Titolo copertura: Ricercatore a tempo determinato
Orario di ricevimento: Riceve su appuntamento.

Programma sintetico del corso:

1) Basic notes on mono-dimensional structural elements: straight, planar
beam; straight, planar beam on elastic soil (Winkler model); planar
curved beam; ring beam.
2) Bi-dimensional planar elements: planar membrane of generic shape;
plate of generic shape (Mindlin and Kirchoff models.
4) Basic notes on curved two-dimensional elements: cylindrical shell;
axial-symmetric shell (spherical dome, Reissner and Geckeler models).

Programma esteso del corso:

Link Programma completo (PDF)    (Aggiornato il 22-09-2023)

1) Basic notes on mono-dimensional structural elements: straight, planar
beam; straight, planar beam on elastic soil (Winkler model); planar
curved beam; ring beam.
2) Bi-dimensional planar elements: planar membrane of generic shape;
plate of generic shape (Mindlin and Kirchoff models.
4) Basic notes on curved two-dimensional elements: cylindrical shell;
axial-symmetric shell (spherical dome, Reissner and Geckeler models).

Testi consigliati:


1) O. Belluzzi, Scienza delle Costruzioni, Vol.3.

2) S.P. Timoshenko, Theory of Plates and Shells.


Modalità d'esame:

Oral exam.

Risultati di apprendimento previsti:

The main objectives of the course are: i) the mathematical formalization of non-standard mono- and bi-dimensional structural elements; ii) to highlight the behavioral characteristics and the phenomenology of the single structural elements and of complex structures. 

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