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Manuel Ferretti

Nome: Manuel
Cognome: Ferretti
Qualifica: Professore associato
Settore Scientifico Disciplinare: ICAR/08 (Scienza Delle Costruzioni)
Struttura di afferenza: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile - Architettura, Ambientale
Email: manuel.ferrettiunivaq.it
Telefono Ufficio: +39 0862434557

Insegnamenti tenuti - a.a.

InsegnamentoOrario di ricevimento
Scienza delle costruzioni (percorso MECCANICA) (I3D - Ingegneria Industriale)  
STABILITA' E BIFORCAZIONE DELLE STRUTTURE (I4B - Ingegneria delle infrastrutture (attivo I anno))  
Stabilità e biforcazione delle strutture (I4Z - Ingegneria delle Strutture e delle Costruzioni (attivo I anno)) Martedì dalle 15:00 alle 17:00. Stanza A+1.23 - Roio, oppure Microsoft Teams (prenotazione via e-mail).
Stabilità e biforcazione delle strutture (I4Z - Ingegneria delle Strutture e delle Costruzioni (attivo I anno))

Martedì dalle 15:00 alle 17:00. Stanza A+1.23 - Roio, oppure Microsoft Teams (prenotazione via e-mail).

Stability and bifurcation of structures (I4Z - Ingegneria delle Strutture e delle Costruzioni (attivo I anno)) Martedì dalle 15:00 alle 17:00. Stanza A+1.23 - Roio, oppure Microsoft Teams (prenotazione via e-mail).

Curriculum scientifico

(Aggiornato il 04-10-2024)

Link versione stampabile (pdf)


  • First Name: Manuel
  • Surname: Ferretti
  • ID Scopus: 55480129300
  • Address: Piazzale Pontieri 1, Monteluco di Roio, 67100 L'Aquila, Italy
  • Department: DICEAA and M&MoCS
  • Office: Building A Roio, room A+1.23
  • e-mail: manuel.ferretti@univaq.it


  • 2006-2009: Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering, University of L'Aquila, Italy. Graduated with full marks (110/110 cum laude).
  • 2009-2011: Master's Degree in Civil Engineering, University of L'Aquila, Italy. Graduated with full marks (110/110 cum laude).
  • 2011-2014: Ph.D. in joint supervision between DICEAA, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila (Italy) & LaMCoS, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon – INSA (France). Italian Ph.D. in Ingegneria e Modellistica Fisico-Matematica (Engineering and Physical-Mathematical Modelling). French Ph.D. in Mécanique, Génie Mécanique, Génie Civil (Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering). Date of defense: November 7, 2014.


  • 2014-2018: Post-Doc at International Research Center on Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex System (M&MoCS) and Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEAA), University of L'Aquila, Italy.
  • 2018-2021: Assistant Professor (RTDb) in Solids and Structural Mechanics (SSD ICAR/08 - Scienza delle Costruzioni) at the Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering of the University of L'Aquila, Italy (from July 16, 2018).
  • 01/10/2018: He acquired the Italian national scientific habilitation of Associate Professor for the SSD ICAR/08 - Scienza delle Costruzioni (Solids and Structural Mechanics).
  • 2021-Present: Associate Professor in Solids and Structural Mechanics (SSD ICAR/08 - Scienza delle Costruzioni) at the Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering of the University of L'Aquila, Italy (from July 16, 2021).


  • 2019-2024: Member of the Academic Board in the doctoral school of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of L'Aquila.
  • 2024-Present: Member of the Academic Board in the doctoral school of Mathematics and Modeling, University of L'Aquila.


  • Scholarship for doctoral mobility. Title: Bourses de Mobilité Doctorale du Programme Avenir Lyon Saint Etienne, 6 months, 2013.
  • Scholarship for cooperation and international mobility. Title: Bourses de Coopération et Mobilité Internationales Rhône Alpes 2013 - CMIRA 2013, 6 months, 2013.


  • Linear and nonlinear oscillations of one-dimensional, elastic, structural systems (strings and beams)
  • Perturbation methods for multiple-bifurcations analysis of multi-parameter systems
  • Stability and nonlinear oscillations of elastic systems under conservative and nonconservative loads
  • Dynamics of strings and beams with traveling masses
  • Mechanics of generalized continua
  • Mechanics of woven fibrous composite reinforcements
  • Homogenization of beam-like structures
  • Vibration protection of artworks and strategic sensitive equipment

  • Seismic protection of structures via eco-friendly solutions


Last updated September 27, 2023
  • Scopus:
    • h-index: 11
    • Citations: 455
  • Web of Science:
    • h-index: 9
    • Citations: 353
  • Google Scholar:
    • h-index: 14
    • Citations: 588




  1. Luongo, A., Ferretti, M., Di Nino, S. (2023). Stability and Bifurcation of Structures: Statical and Dynamical Systems, Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-27572-2
  2. Luongo, A., Zulli, D., Ferretti, M., D'Annibale, F. (2024). Perturbation Methods and Nonlinear Phenomena: Applications to Continuous Mechanical Systems, Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-49397-3


  1. Luongo, A., Ferretti, M., Di Nino, S. (2022). Stabilità e biforcazione delle strutture. Sistemi statici e dinamici, Società Editrice Esculapio. link

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Ferretti, M., Piccardo, G., (2013). Dynamic modeling of taut strings carrying a traveling mass. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 25(2-4), 469-488. doi: 10.1007/s00161-012-0278-1
  2. Ferretti, M., Madeo, A., dell 'Isola, F., Boisse, P., (2014). Modeling the onset of shear boundary layers in fibrous composite reinforcements by second-gradient theory, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 65(3), 587-612. doi: 10.1007/s00033-013-0347-8
  3. Luongo, A., Ferretti, M., (2015). Can a semi-simple eigenvalue admit fractional sensitivities?. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 255, 165-178. doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2014.01.178
  4. Luongo, A., Ferretti, M., Seyranian, A. P., (2015). Effects of damping on the stability of the compressed Nicolai beam. Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems, 3(1), 1-26. doi: 10.2140/memocs.2015.3.1
  5. Madeo, A., Ferretti, M., dell'Isola, F., Boisse, P., (2015). Thick fibrous composite reinforcements behave as special second gradient materials: three point bending of 3D interlocks. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 66(4), 2041-2060. doi: 10.1007/s00033-015-0496-z
  6. D'Annibale, F., Ferretti, M., Luongo, A., (2016). Improving the linear stability of the Beck's beam by added dashpots. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 110, 151-159. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2016.03.008
  7. Luongo, A., Ferretti, M., D'Annibale, F., (2016). Paradoxes in dynamic stability of mechanical systems: investigating the causes and detecting the nonlinear behaviors. SpringerPlus, 5(1), 1-22. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-1684-9
  8. Luongo, A., D'Annibale, F., Ferretti, M., (2016). Hard loss of stability of Ziegler's column with nonlinear damping. Meccanica, 51(11), 2647-2663. doi: 10.1007/s11012-016-0471-6
  9. Luongo, A., Ferretti, M., (2016). Postcritical behavior of a discrete Nicolai column. Nonlinear Dynamics, 86(4), 2231-2243. doi: 10.1007/s11071-016-3075-8
  10. Ferretti, M., Piccardo, G., Luongo, A., (2017). Weakly nonlinear dynamics of taut strings traveled by a single moving force. Meccanica, 52(13), 3087-3099. doi: 10.1007/s11012-017-0690-5
  11. Ferretti, M., D'Annibale, F., Luongo, A., (2017). Flexural-torsional flutter and buckling of braced foil beams under a follower force. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017, Article ID 2691963, 1-10. doi: 10.1155/2017/2691963
  12. Ferretti, M., (2018). Flexural torsional buckling of uniformly compressed beam-like structures. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 30(5), 977-993. doi: 10.1007/s00161-018-0627-9
  13. Ferretti, M., Zulli, D., Luongo, A., (2019). A Continuum Approach to the Nonlinear In-Plane Galloping of Shallow Flexible Cables. Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2019, Article ID 6865730, 1-12. doi: 10.1155/2019/6865730
  14. D'Annibale, F., Ferretti, M., Luongo, A., (2019). Shear-shear-torsional homogenous beam models for nonlinear periodic beam-like structures. Engineering Structures, 184(1), 115-133. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.01.039
  15. Ferretti, M., Luongo, A., (2019). Solution to the Problem of a Mass Traveling on a Taut String via Integral Equation. Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2019, Article ID 6915629, 1-9. doi: 10.1155/2019/6915629
  16. Ferretti, M., Piccardo, G., dell'Isola, F., Luongo, A., (2019). Dynamics of taut strings undergoing large changes of tension caused by a force-driven travelling mass. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 458, 320-333. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2019.06.035
  17. Ferretti, M., Gavrilov, S. N., Eremeyev, V. A., Luongo, A., (2019). Nonlinear planar modeling of massive taut strings travelled by a force-driven point-mass. Nonlinear Dynamics, 97(4), 2201-2218. doi: 10.1007/s11071-019-05117-z
  18. Ferretti, M., Piccardo, G., Luongo, A., (2019). Semi-analytical approaches for the nonlinear dynamics of a taut string subject to a moving load. Nonlinear Dynamics, 98(4), 2463-2474. doi: 10.1007/s11071-019-05162-8
  19. Ferretti, M., D'Annibale, F., Luongo, A. (2020). Buckling of tower buildings on elastic foundation under compressive tip forces and self-weight. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 1-21. doi: 10.1007/s00161-020-00911-2
  20. D'Annibale, F., Ferretti, M., Luongo, A. (2020). Static and Dynamic Responses of Micro-Structured Beams. Applied Sciences, 10(19), 6836. doi: 10.3390/app10196836
  21. Ferretti, M., D'Annibale, F. (2020). Buckling of Planar Micro-Structured Beams. Applied Sciences, 10(18), 6506. doi: 10.3390/app10186506
  22. D'Annibale, F., Ferretti, M. (2021). On the effects of linear damping on the nonlinear Ziegler's column. Nonlinear Dynamics, 103(4), 3149-3164. doi: 10.1007/s11071-020-05797-y
  23. Ferretti, M., D'Annibale, F., Luongo, A. (2021). Modeling beam-like planar structures by a one- dimensional continuum: an analytical-numerical method. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 7, 1020-1033. doi: 10.22055/jacm.2020.33100.2150
  24. Luongo, A., D'Annibale, F., Ferretti, M. (2021). Shear and flexural factors for static analysis of homogenized beam models of planar frames. Engineering Structures, 228, 111440. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.111440
  25. Ferretti, M., Di Nino, S., Luongo, A. (2021). A paradigmatic system for non-classic interactive buckling. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 134, 103735. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2021.103735
  26. Ferretti, M., Di Nino, S., Luongo, A. (2023). Generalized multiple scale approach to the problem of a taut string traveled by a single force. Nonlinear Dynamics, 111(18), 16663-16678. doi: 10.1007/s11071-023-08740-z
  27. Challamel, N., Ferretti, M., Luongo, A. (2023). Multi-degenerate hill-top bifurcation of Fermi–Pasta–Ulam softening chains: Exact and asymptotic solutions. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 156, 104509. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2023.104509
  28. Luongo, A., Ferretti, M., (2023). Beneficial effects of the precritical nonlinearities on the lateral buckling of extremely flexible beams. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 159, 104593. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2023.104593
  29. Ferretti, M., Di Egidio, A. (2024). Effectiveness in protecting rigid-block-like objects through horizontal and vertical seismic isolation. Nonlinear Dynamics, 112,18745–18766. doi: 10.1007/s11071-024-09998-7
  30. Migliaccio, G., Ferretti, M., Di Nino, S., Luongo, A. (2024). Analytical prediction of the dynamics of beams under traveling loads and external resonance phenomena. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 593, 118656. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2024.118656
  31. Luongo, A., Ferretti, M., (2024). Buckling disappearance via merging/divergence in a nonlinear three-d.o.f. system with linear constitutive law. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 104920. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2024.104920

Ph.D. Thesis

  1. Ferretti, M., (2014). Non-linear Mechanics of Generalized Continua and Applications to Composite Materials. Università degli Studi dell'Aquila & Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA).



  • 2022: Principal Investigator of the project “Modelli fisico-matematici di metamateriali stampati in 3D”, University of L’Aquila - Rep. n. 649 of 4/5/2022.
  • 2023-Present: Responsible of Research Unit of a PRIN 2022 project - Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR). Title of the project: Engineered basements for vibration protection of artworks and strategic sensitive equipment. Funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU, Mission 4 Component 1 CUP E53D2300373 0006.
  • 2023-Present: Principal Investigator of a PRIN 2022 PNRR project - Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR). Title of the project: Smart Under-Ground Infra-Structures for Secure Communities and Post-Disaster Emergency Response: Eco-Friendly Seismic Protection Solutions. Funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU, Mission 4 Component 1 CUP E53D2301762 0001.


  • PRIN10-11, Title of the project: Dinamica stabilità e controllo di strutture flessibili, Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Angelo Luongo, Financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.


  • 01/03/2018-01/03/2020: Member of the editorial board of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Science Publishing Group.
  • 2020: Guest Editor of the S.I. Homogenization Methods in Materials and Structures, Applied Sciences.
  • 2023-Present: Guest Editor of the S.I. Nonlinear dynamics and bifurcation of structural systems – On the occasion of the 70th birthday of Angelo Luongo, Nonlinear Dynamics.


  • Advances in Civil Engineering, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Journal of Vibration and Control, Engineering Structures, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, Meccanica, Mechanics Research Communications, Nonlinear Dynamics, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Shock and Vibration, Thin-Walled Structures



  • EUROMECH – European Mechanics Society


  • AIMETA - Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata
  • GADeS - Gruppo AIMETA di Dinamica & Stabilità
  • SISCO - Società Italiana di Scienza delle Costruzioni


  • Euromech Colloquium 562, Sperlonga, Italy, May 24-28 2015.
